The Power of Playfulness

You will love yourself for being playful. And, so will others.



Do you think you take life too seriously? Do you sometimes wish you could have handled a situation with a little more humor, lightness? Do you have a relationship that has gotten a little too heavy and serious? Do you catch yourself pursing your lips, shaking your head, thinking too negatively?

Would you just like to rediscover:

  • Your sense of humor?
  • Your sense of playfulness?
  • Your sense of fun? Silliness?
  • Your inner child?
  • A joyful feeling of lightness?
  • More laughter in your life? More smiles?

The Oxford Dictionary defines playfulness as

the quality of being light-hearted or full of fun.

What can playfulness do for us?

Playfulness unleashes our creativity.

Playfulness makes us feel happy, light, joyous, energetic, peaceful, and loving. It reduces stress. It makes us a better team player, family member, and friend. It makes us nicer to be around. Playfulness brings out playfulness in others and improves our relationships.




Life Coach. Writer. Speaker. I coach, mentor, & support others to think big, pursue growth, & manifest their life/work goals.