The Power of Reading Books!

You will only feel it when you start reading them regularly.

Ahmed Jamal


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

This post is inspired by a video on YouTube uploaded by channel in late 2018 which made a huge impact in my life. The video is available at the end of this post.

I have been reading articles on websites and in newspapers occasionally since my early teenage years but it was in 2018 that I finally decided to take reading books seriously. And what a great decision that has been since.

Honestly speaking, I cannot remember any other great decision than this that I have taken in recent years. Well, Let me make a bigger statement than this; It is the best decision that I ever made in my whole life so far.

This video I mentioned earlier contains beautiful and inspiring quotes by many successful people who contributed part of their success to the power of reading books.

The one quote that really stood out and is still relevant to me even today is attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson, he said the following inspiring words :

“If we encounter a man of rare intellect we should ask him what books he reads”.

This statement alone was enough to convince me to take a firm decision to start reading…



Ahmed Jamal

Kind and Simple | Life Long Learner | Loves Reading | Writer and Editor @ ILLUMINATION | E-mail: |