The Power of Small Shifts

Gratitude is a Must!

Hilary Zeeuwen
5 min readJun 7, 2023


Photo of Author, September 2022, taken by Maxim Vidricaire

I’ve been pretty overwhelmed lately with the doors that are opening and the abundance that surrounds me. My life is full of passion, purpose, and love. I feel as though I am blooming!

There is beauty everywhere I look… and hey I’m looking at you!

I’ve spent a lot of my life trying out jobs, activities, friends, beliefs, and lifestyles that didn’t fit. I was defining success by someone else’s terms. In my mid-twenties, I followed the pull of my biggest passion at the time, snowboarding! Following my passion was a huge shift. I quit my secure and well-paying job and left the city behind to move to a small mountain town and work in hospitality. This felt scary at the time and I had feelings of shame for giving up a comfortable life and a trajectory towards monetary success.

But this wasn’t my success.

My success is waking up every day excited about my life (or most days). It’s making healthy choices. It’s freedom! My success is working with people I respect and care for. It’s having the flexibility to enjoy travelling and the outdoors. My success is comfortable, but it is not extravagant. My success is channelling love and joy and showing others how to do the same.

I believe we each need to define success for ourselves.

What makes your heart sing? What resources are available to you? Do you want to leave behind a legacy or no footprint at all?

It’s up to you!

The Power of Small Shifts

My friend Greg once told me that when you are plotting a course on a map, even a tiny shift in your trajectory can have a huge impact on your destination if you are travelling far distances. He relayed that the same applies to our lives. It may seem insurmountable to make large changes in your life, but if you make small shifts, your trajectory, journey and destination can drastically change over time!

Start making small shifts now!

I started making small changes, working towards being more active, eating healthier, building up my skillsets, slowly pushing myself to go further outside of my comfort zone. Over the past 10 years, I have learned to backcountry snowboard at a level and I am so proud of! I have tried out multiple careers, travelled to close to 40 countries, and built up skills in multiple disciplines (yoga, dancing, DJing, biking, backcountry travel). In 2021, I decided to pursue a Master’s in Counselling Psychology.

I am aware that I am privileged in many ways. I recognize that tailoring your life around passion is not accessible or desirable to everyone, but I do believe that everyone can make small shifts that can benefit them over time.

Shift Towards Gratitude

We’ve all seen examples of people who have ‘everything’, and yet cannot escape their desire to acquire or experience more. Sometimes those with ‘everything’ may be depressed, sad, lonely, or angry. On the contrary, we’ve seen examples of people living minimally who are content.

Gratitude is a powerful mindset.

Shifting towards gratitude brings awareness to the abundance that exists all around us. It allows us to anchor in the present moment and experience satisfaction.

“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.” — Epictetus

Gratitude Can be Practiced

I highly recommend it! Creating a gratitude journal is an easy way to start. Write 3 things down each day that you are grateful for. Try to switch it up as much as possible. Complimenting your friend/roommate/parent/partner each day is a nice way to create a mutually beneficial gratitude practice. My friend Michael recently brought my attention to Attributed Gratitude Ladders, which is a fancy way of saying, ‘thinking about all of the steps/people/processes that went into something you enjoy’. For example, if you really love your morning coffee, take a moment to think about the farmer who planted the crop, the worker that harvested the beans, everyone involved in the process of transporting it to your country, the roasting process (go as deep as you like), and of course don’t forget to thank yourself for preparing it just how you like it! How much better does that coffee taste now? Bonus pro tip — if you put cream in your coffee, take a moment to watch how the cream looks like a thundercloud coming up to the surface before it changes the colour of your coffee completely… holy cow, so much to be grateful for!

Practice, practice, practice… and before you know it, gratitude will be your modus operandi!

I’m Blooming!

The results of consistently putting myself out there have been worth it. I’ve had some deeply uncomfortable moments and what some may consider ‘failures’, but again, it’s all in how you frame your experiences. In the past 5 years I’ve experienced a betrayal that acted as a catalyst for depression and anxiety, as well as lost my mom. I suffer and I thrive, in darkness and in light.

But now I thrive, this summer is paying dividends! I am teaching a dance workshop at a music festival this Saturday on the main stage, my summer dance series starts next Monday, I am booked to DJ at two music festivals and have an installation at a third!

I’m teaching chair yoga weekly at the seniors centre and flow yoga weekly at a local studio.

I volunteering with the local hospice and am making progress towards attaining my Master’s in Counselling Psychology with the goal of becoming a registered clinical counsellor. Currently, I work with a handful of small businesses in town as a bookkeeper and consultant.

I have a large, supportive and diverse group of friends, a wonderful partner who makes me feel worthy of love again, and I feel connected to my community.

Small Shifts & Gratitude!

What small shift can you start today that could have a major positive effect on your life? Tackle the low-hanging fruit! What are you waiting for?

Lots of love! ❤️

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Hilary Zeeuwen

I love to create, perform & teach! I am a DJ, dance & yoga teacher, writer, event producer and soon-to-be counsellor.