The Power of the Mind: Creating Tulpas Through Meditation and Visualization

Tibetan Buddhism’s Mysterious Thought Forms

Osman Güneş Özkurt
13 min readDec 31, 2022


© Created by Osman Güneş Özkurt (The Author) through AI Midjourney

Knowledge is only an experience that can be accessed by those who can see the truth. Knowledge is everywhere, in every point, in everything that exists. To see it, you must learn to be patient for years, learn to look with a divine perspective.

A Chinese teaching says, “You can learn knowledge from even a grain of sand, but the greatest weapon to do so is thought.’’ Our thought structure both builds walls for us and helps us find light in the darkness. That is why it is very important to be aware of our thoughts.

Table of Contents
1- What are Tulpas?
2- Etymology of The Word Tulpas
3- Process of Creating a Tulpa
4- The Nature of Tulpas
5- Criticisms of the Concept of Tulpas
6- Are Humans the Tulpas of God?
7- The legend of Tulpa and Slendar Man?
8- Conclusion

What are Tulpas?

A tulpa is a mental entity that is created through the power of thought and acts independently and in parallel to our own consciousness according to our own beliefs.

  • Did you ever have an imaginary friend as a child? Modern practitioners use this term to refer to a type of intentional imaginary friend that practitioners perceive as sensitive and relatively autonomous, similar to this phenomenon.

The tulpa phenomenon is like walking a very fine line for the sake of mental health, so it is important to trust yourself and your mind and be in control before practicing it.

Tulpas are thoughtforms that are believed to be created entirely from the power of the mind through meditation and visualization practices. Originating in Tibetan Buddhism, tulpas are considered to be beings that can take on any form or appearance and are believed to be able to interact with the physical world.

Tulpa is a concept in mysticism and the paranormal of an entity or object created through spiritual or mental powers. According to Tibetan monks, it is a “thought entity” that is created as a result of long-term disciplined desires and focused trance work.

20th century theosophists adapted the concepts of “emanation body” nirmita, tulku, sprul-pa, and others to the concepts of “tulpa” and “thoughtform”. The term “thoughtform” was used as early as 1927 in the translation of The Tibetan Book of the Dead by Evans-Wentz. In a note in the English translation of the life story of Garab Dorje, John Myrdhin Reynolds defines a tulpa as an emanation or manifestation.

According to spiritualist Alexandra David-Néel, she claimed to have observed these mystical practices in Tibet in the 20th century. She described the tulpas as “magical creations produced by a strong concentration of thought”. David-Néel believed that tulpas were capable of developing their own mind: “When the tulpa becomes sufficiently vital to play the role of a real being, it tends to free itself from the control of its creator. This takes place almost mechanically, as a child leaving the maternal womb when it has reached full development and can live independently”.

David-Néel claimed to have created such a tulpa in the form of a jolly Friar Tuck-like monk, which later developed its own life and had to be destroyed. David-Néel raised the possibility that her experiences might be deceptive: “I may have created my own hallucination,” but she also said that others could see the thought forms she created.

The process of creating a tulpa involves focusing the mind and using visualization techniques to bring the thoughtform to life. This process requires a high level of concentration and intention, and is said to require a significant amount of time and effort. Once a tulpa has been created, it is believed to be able to manifest in the physical world and even interact with its surroundings in various ways.

© Created by Osman Güneş Özkurt (The Author) through AI Midjourney

The concept of “thought forms” in Western esotericism is believed by some to have arisen as an interpretation of the Tibetan concept of tulpas. The concept is related to Western philosophy and energy practices. In his book “The Human Aura,” occultist William Walker defined thought forms as simple etheric objects emanating from the auras surrounding people, which are derived from their thoughts and emotions. They can serve as reflections of the person creating them, or as invisible astral projections that can be seen by those with “awakened astral senses,” or as illusions that can be perceived by anyone.

In her book “Thought Forms,” theosophist Annie Besant divided thought forms into three categories: those in the form of the person creating them, those resembling objects or people, and those representing “inner qualities” from astral or mental planes such as “nature spirits” or the spirits of the deceased, or emotions that can take on a “soul condition.”

In modern times, the concept of tulpas has gained popularity in the Western world through fiction. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, it became popular on television. Since 2009, online communities devoted to tulpas have emerged on 4chan and Reddit. These communities, which refer to themselves as “tulpa makers” or “tulpamancers,” provide guides and support for other tulpamancers.

These communities gained popularity when fans of the adult animated series My Little Pony created forums for the tulpas of characters in the show. Fans attempted to use meditation and lucid dreaming techniques to create imaginary friends.

Surveys conducted by Veissière have investigated the demographic, social, and psychological profiles of these communities. Those who self-identify as “tulpamancers” view their tulpas as “real or somehow real persons.” The number of active participants in these online communities is in the low hundreds, and very few have had face-to-face meetings.

They are primarily “urban, middle-class, European-American adolescents and young adults” and show “loneliness and social anxiety as a motivation to adopt the practice.” 93.7% of respondents to a survey reported that their participation in creating tulpas “improved their condition” and led to new, unusual sensory experiences.

Some practitioners have sexual and romantic interactions with their tulpas, but the practice is controversial and taboo. A survey found that 8.5% of respondents supported a metaphysical explanation for tulpas, 76.5% supported a neurological or psychological explanation, and 14% supported “other” explanations.

Despite their central role in Tibetan Buddhist teachings, the concept of tulpas is not widely understood or accepted outside of this tradition. Some scientific and psychological perspectives have questioned the validity of the concept, citing the lack of empirical evidence and the potential for harmful effects. In this essay, we will explore the concept of tulpas in more detail, examining the process of creating tulpas, the nature of these thoughtforms, and the criticisms that have been leveled against them.

Etymology of The Word Tulpas

© Created by Osman Güneş Özkurt (The Author) through AI Midjourney

The word “tulpa” is derived from the Tibetan language, where it is written as སྤྲུལ་པ or སྤྲུལ་པ་. It is also sometimes spelled “tulku” or “sprul-pa.” The word “tulpa” is derived from the Tibetan verb “sprul”, which means “to manifest” or “to appear”, and the suffix “-pa”, which indicates agency or the ability to act. In Tibetan Buddhism, the word “tulpa” is used to refer to a thoughtform or entity that is believed to be created and sustained through the power of the mind, and is considered to be a being that can take on any form or appearance. The word “tulpa” is often translated as “emanation” or “manifestation”, and is used to describe a range of phenomena, including deities, bodhisattvas, and other beings that are believed to be created through the power of meditation and visualization practices.

The concept of tulpas is primarily associated with Tibetan Buddhism, and the word “tulpa” itself is derived from the Tibetan language. In Tibetan, the word “tulpa” (also spelled “tulku” or “sprul-pa”) means “emanation” or “manifestation.” The concept of tulpas is also found in other Buddhist traditions, such as the Japanese Shingon and Tendai schools, where they are referred to as “goshin” or “nyorai,” respectively.

Outside of the Buddhist tradition, the concept of tulpas has been adapted and adopted by some individuals in the Western world, and the term “tulpa” has been used to refer to thoughtforms or entities created through intentional focus and visualization. However, the concept of tulpas is not widely recognized or understood in mainstream scientific or psychological circles, and other terms may be used to describe similar phenomena. For example, some people use the term “thoughtform” or “thoughtform entity” to refer to beings or entities that are believed to be created and sustained through the power of thought or intention.

Process of Creating a Tulpa

In Tibetan Buddhism, the process of creating a tulpa is considered to be a complex and time-consuming endeavor that requires a high level of focus and intention. The process is believed to involve the use of meditation and visualization practices, as well as a variety of techniques and practices that are designed to bring the thoughtform to life.

The role of meditation and visualization in the creation of a tulpa is central to the process. Meditation is a practice that involves focusing the mind on a single point or object, and is often used to cultivate a sense of calm and clarity. Visualization involves using the imagination to create mental images or scenes, and is often used in conjunction with meditation to bring the tulpa to life. By using these practices in combination, practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism believe that they can create a tulpa that is able to manifest in the physical world and interact with its surroundings.

© Created by Osman Güneş Özkurt (The Author) through AI Midjourney

The importance of focus and intention in the creation process cannot be overstated. The creation of a tulpa requires a high degree of concentration and focus, and practitioners must be able to maintain this focus over an extended period of time in order to bring the thoughtform to life. Additionally, the intention behind the creation of a tulpa is crucial to its success. Practitioners must have a clear and specific goal in mind when creating a tulpa, and must be able to maintain this intention throughout the process.

There are many techniques and practices that are used in the creation of a tulpa, and these can vary depending on the tradition and the specific goals of the practitioner. Some common techniques and practices include:

  • Mantra repetition: This involves repeating a specific mantra or phrase in order to cultivate a sense of focus and concentration.
  • Visualization exercises: This involves using the imagination to create mental images or scenes in order to bring the tulpa to life.
  • Physical exercises: Some practitioners believe that physical movements or gestures can help to bring the tulpa to life.
  • Rituals and ceremonies: Some traditions incorporate rituals and ceremonies into the creation process in order to invoke the presence of the tulpa.

Overall, the process of creating a tulpa is a complex and multifaceted endeavor that requires a high level of focus, intention, and dedication. It is believed to be a powerful and transformative practice that can unlock the full potential of the mind and bring the practitioner closer to enlightenment.

The Nature of Tulpas

© Created by Osman Güneş Özkurt (The Author) through AI Midjourney

Tulpas are thoughtforms that are believed to be created and sustained through the power of the mind, and are considered to be beings that can take on any form or appearance. In Tibetan Buddhism, tulpas are believed to be able to manifest in the physical world and interact with their surroundings in various ways.

One of the key characteristics of tulpas is their ability to manifest in the physical world. According to Tibetan Buddhist teachings, tulpas are able to appear in a variety of forms, including as physical objects, animals, or even as other people. Some practitioners believe that tulpas are able to manifest in the same physical space as their creator, while others believe that tulpas are able to manifest in other locations or even in other dimensions.

In addition to their ability to manifest in the physical world, tulpas are also believed to have their own thoughts, feelings, and desires. Tulpas are often described as having their own personalities and behaviors, and are thought to be able to communicate and interact with their creators in various ways. Some practitioners believe that tulpas are able to develop their own intelligence and even possess their own memories and experiences.

The abilities attributed to tulpas can vary widely, depending on the specific traditions and beliefs of the practitioner. Some practitioners believe that tulpas are able to perform a range of feats, including telepathy, telekinesis, and even astral projection. Others believe that tulpas are able to manifest in the physical world and interact with their surroundings in more subtle ways, such as influencing the thoughts and feelings of their creators or those around them.

Overall, the nature of tulpas is a complex and multifaceted concept that is steeped in the teachings and practices of Tibetan Buddhism. While the concept of tulpas is not widely understood or accepted outside of this tradition, it remains a fascinating and mysterious aspect of Tibetan spiritual practices.

Criticisms of the Concept of Tulpas

While the concept of tulpas is central to Tibetan Buddhist teachings, it is not widely recognized or understood outside of this tradition. Many mainstream scientific and psychological perspectives have questioned the validity of the concept of tulpas, citing the lack of empirical evidence and the potential for harmful effects.

One of the primary criticisms of the concept of tulpas is the lack of empirical evidence to support their existence. While Tibetan Buddhism relies heavily on anecdotal accounts and personal experiences to support the existence of tulpas, there is little scientific evidence to support the validity of the concept. Some scientists and psychologists argue that the concept of tulpas is not supported by any objective or verifiable evidence, and that it is therefore not a scientifically valid concept.

Another criticism of the concept of tulpas is the potential for harmful effects. Some scientists and psychologists have raised concerns about the potential for individuals to develop unhealthy or obsessive relationships with their tulpas, or to become excessively reliant on their tulpas for support and guidance. There have also been concerns about the potential for individuals to develop delusions or mental health problems as a result of their involvement with tulpas.

Overall, the concept of tulpas remains controversial and is not widely accepted or understood outside of Tibetan Buddhism. While some practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism believe that tulpas are powerful and transformative entities, others view the concept as lacking scientific support and potentially harmful.

Are Humans the tulpas of God?

According to the Bible, the oldest sacred text, the creation of Adam is mentioned in the book of Genesis. It states: “And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” This suggests that Adam was created by God as a thought form. Many religious texts, including the Bible, view humans as being created in the image of God, which could be interpreted as being created as a thought form.

However, the concept of tulpas as described in Tibetan Buddhism is different from the biblical understanding of the creation of humans. In Tibetan Buddhism, tulpas are believed to be created through concentration and visualization, and they are said to have their own distinct will and consciousness, although they are still dependent on the creator. They also disappear when the creator dies or releases them.

The legend of Tulpa and Slendar Man?

© Created by Osman Güneş Özkurt (The Author) through AI Midjourney

The Slender Man is a fictional character that originated as an internet meme in 2009. It is depicted as a tall, thin figure wearing a black suit and tie with a featureless white face. The character is often associated with horror and supernatural events, and it has been the subject of various stories, images, and videos on the internet. Despite its origins as a fictional character, the Slender Man has been the inspiration for real-life crimes and has generated significant controversy and media attention. It is important to note that the Slender Man is not real and any portrayal events or actions involving the character are purely fictional.

Was it really there or did people create it? Slendarman is an example of a tulpa and it is really powerful. The reason is that the energy it feeds on encompasses many people. There are many ghost cases in American homes. There may be thoughts that create a ghost in a house. The power in your head is so powerful that you will be amazed. People’s thoughts told me this secret here; Pure thought power is God’s thought power. Do you think this piece we carry inside us is this piece of God


In this essay, we explored the concept of tulpas, which are thoughtforms that are believed to be created and sustained through the power of the mind. We examined the process of creating tulpas, which involves the use of meditation and visualization techniques, as well as the importance of focus and intention in the creation process. We also looked at the nature of tulpas, including their ability to manifest in the physical world and their characteristics and abilities. Finally, we considered the criticisms that have been leveled against the concept of tulpas, including the lack of empirical evidence and the potential for harmful effects.

Overall, the concept of tulpas is a complex and multifaceted one that is steeped in the teachings and practices of Tibetan Buddhism. While the concept of tulpas is not widely understood or accepted outside of this tradition, it remains a fascinating and mysterious aspect of Tibetan spiritual practices. For those who are interested in the concept of tulpas, it is important to approach the topic with an open mind and a willingness to consider different perspectives. Whether or not one believes in the existence of tulpas, the concept serves as a reminder of the powerful potential of the human mind and the ways in which it can shape and influence our experiences.

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Osman Güneş Özkurt

Psychologist, Author, Speaker and Researcher.👋🏼 I write in the fields of psychology, science, philosophy, art and technology.