Philosophy of Life

The Power to Control Is Yours, and Yours Only

Nobody Should Be Able to Influence Your Mind

Sarah Bisht


Man in black jacket walking beside red, blue and yellow building
Photo by Emir Bozkurt

Think about the last time you freaked out about something, or someone made you furious.

What did you say in the heat of the moment?

Why did you react in that way?

What did you think whilst saying it?

Did behaving in that unbecoming way give you any joy?

Now ask yourself, “Did you regret reacting the way you did?”

Consider the same situation in a different light:

Could you have paused and controlled your tongue before saying those regretful words?

Could you have been calm during all of it?

Could you have thought about it rationally before acting?

Could you have kept your head high?

The thing you should realise is that only you have power over your mind.

Outside events can only influence you.

The way you react to them is up to you.

Once you realise this, you have the power to control your life.

Every good thing we listen to, read about, or write is to teach us that the way we behave every single moment serves an important purpose in life, and that is to let our automatic emotions be “calm” in every circumstance.

So that when everyone around us is freaking out, we can overcome those overwhelming emotions and make something out of the mess we find ourselves in.

So that we can be calm as the world burns down to smoldering ruins in front of our very eyes (metaphor, but you get what I am saying.)

That is the whole point: to be in control of your mind, so that it listens to only you, and not to the things happening around it.

That’s all for today, thanks for reading my TED Talk :)

Catch you on the flip side,

Sarah ✌🏼



Sarah Bisht

writer, bibliophile, musicophile, podcaster, perpetual talker, efficient time waster, weirdo, introverted extrovert