The Problem With Trends (Because of Social Media)

Published in
3 min readJul 17, 2024

Trends, fads, whatever you want to call it, have been blowing up since 2019.

Way before that, before the advent of social media, trends were used by early communities to adopt a tool or technique. Some trends became ingrained into the culture and sometimes became their own sub-culture as time passed. But since social media was invented, it’s easier for styles or ideas to go viral. Any celebrity or influencer could use their following to promote a product, becoming a trendsetter. Anyone with a basic internet connection can contribute to trends.

And this is all very bad, idiotic, and, worst of all, stupidly important.

Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

Why Do People Follow Trends?

Humans are social creatures.

Participating in trends gives people a sense of community and a stupid way of feeling they’re part of something bigger. Of course, bonus points if a celebrity is involved. Sometimes participating gives some sort of prestige, like “You haven’t heard of this?” or “This is the new thing.” Participating makes people feel included with others who have the same prestige.

We will do anything to fit in, to feel a sense of belonging, and anything to be the best.

Trends Have Lost Meaning

Maybe we’ve off-topic here. I’m not just talking about stupid TikTok challenges, but also trends in productivity, self-improvement, writing etc.

One of the best examples of this is the follow-4-follow way to grow on Medium. It’s some sort of fad that promotes if you follow someone on Medium, they’ll be rushing to follow you back.

But it’s important to remember, my problem is not with trends as a whole. I highlighted in the second paragraph that trends were useful for adopting tools. My problem is with trends that are stupid, idiotic, and just require some common, basic sense. Because you have a brain to use.

Trends could have been useful, but not anymore, because trends are now equal to stupid challenges or ideas. And a revolution on the idea of trends won’t happen anytime soon until various, more influential people start to follow my thoughts.

The Canva-fication Of Everything

This is from an article I read by Joan Westenberg about how Canva has made most content look similar due to the convenience and comfort of templates.

Honestly, it applies to trends as well. Once a trend starts, especially on a social media platform, your whole feed is going to be full of them. Soon, it’ll look like 80% of content is just that trend. So you decide to jump on the trolley, trying to be included and trying to grow on a platform. Eventually, the trolley breaks as people start to get annoyed, and the trend falls and becomes old and outdated. Then you realize it was never a sustainable idea. And then eventually, a new trendsetter comes in with a new trolley.

Weird analogy, but you get the idea.

You Have Common Sense. Use It.

I don’t hate trends. It’s sometimes fun and can be harmless to join in with friends. Trends or hashtags like the canon event are great fun to join with friends.

My problem is when trends are completely and utterly idiotic, and perhaps most irritatingly, take over my carefully curated (i.e. tech, productivity, cooking, humor) YouTube and Instagram. Please, I will shout this from rooftops if you need me to. Use your brain and think. Follow4follow won’t work if the receiver isn’t interested in your niche. Being a sigma male won’t suddenly make you rich and famous. Having a three hour morning routine isn’t the path to success.

Make your own trends. Make yourself follow them. Be unique, and you can fit in with other unique people if that makes sense.

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