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The Process of Changing our Lives for the Better

You know you can change, right?

DJ Hitzfeld
Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2020


When we talk about addicts, the usual picture that comes to mind is people dealing with drugs and alcohol. But there’s a whole spectrum of addictions that often go unnoticed. Even worse, they’re often shrugged off, causing big problems for the people dealing with them and the loved ones around them.

We all have the power to switch up our behaviors. Age, stubbornness: those are just excuses we tell ourselves to remain stuck in our ways.

How do we spot these habits, and more importantly, how do we change them? It’s pretty straightforward: you decide whether to stick to your ways and face the consequences or step up for personal growth.

Knowing the habits that hold us back, that’s the key. You’ve probably heard that old saying, “First step in healing is admitting you’ve got a problem.” Well, it’s not just talk, it’s a fact.

Acknowledging this is a big step towards transforming your life and making things better for yourself and everyone around you.

The tough part?

Recognizing these habits in the first place. It means taking a hard look at yourself, and let’s be real, that’s not easy for most people.

Some folks even think change isn’t in the cards for them. They believe their habits control them and say things like “It’s just who I am” as an excuse. But you know what? Change can happen for anyone, any time.

It’s just about wanting it bad enough and sticking to it.

Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

Fixing these habits requires some sacrifice. It’s about being ready to ditch your usual ways of hanging out with friends or even family if they’re holding you back.

It’s about putting yourself first, even if that means cutting ties with people who aren’t good for you. Not an easy choice, But you need to look out for yourself.

How do we focus on positivity when we are being bombarded by the negativity of others? Sometimes, even when it's tough; we have to wish them well and walk away.

Addictions, bad habits, they come in all shapes and sizes.

They’re basically habits that stem from feelings, and if those feelings make us feel good, we keep doing them.

But guess what? Our brains, they are amazing — they can rewire themselves. It’s like a superpower that, once you get the hang of it, can totally change your life, in a good way

The first step in dealing with these habits is figuring out what they are. And let’s be real again — figuring yourself out ain’t always a walk in the park.

It’s messy and uncomfortable, digging into past hurts and tough times. But it’s also super important ’cause it helps us look at what we’ve done, forgive ourselves and others, and move forward.

You have this… if change is your goal, just start where you are, it happens slowly- enjoy the journey.

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DJ Hitzfeld

Observer of human behavior, Teen advocate and seeker of common ground for tough topics.