The Psychology Behind Procrastination and Clutter

My personal epiphany about how procrastination, clutter, chaos, order, and perfectionism all play a complicated role in my psychology.


{A graphic made by author in 2010 using Microsoft Word}

I wrote this back in 2010 as my 1st ever blog post.

When I was a child, I never struggled with procrastination. I was the bizarre kid that would wake up early on a day without school, and spend the greater portion of it organizing my room and belongings.

I would get up without much issue to do some final last-minute studying at 4 AM before school. I would sit for hours and cut out coupons for my family to use.

I may have been weird and excessively neat and psychotically detailed, but a procrastinator, I was not.

But something happened between adolescence and adulthood. I learned the “art” of procrastination.

And because this is so unlike me, I have spent the greater part of my adulthood so far trying to figure out where this came from, and why I am suddenly prone to being so darn lazy.

I learned the first part of the psychology of my procrastination a few years ago.

I have always been known as somewhat of a perfectionist. Yet, often my more recent behavior does…



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My den of dreams, thoughts, ponderings, practicalities, and tales. From my brain, heart, imagination, and soul to yours. Enjoy the raw, authenticity, and ride.