The Purple Orange

A story about titles

Adam Deitsch


Image from JS on Microsoft Publisher

There was once an orange, the most beautiful orangey orange you have ever seen. But that did not last for long, for a kid ran up to this beautiful orange and colored it purple! This made the orange sad, but what made it worse, was that his friends were talking behind his back, and even some mean kids went and laughed in his face! Oh, the terrible things they said to him, you’re not an orange, you’re a purple hahaha, how about going to purple land! The orange did not feel welcome in his own home!

So he ran away, far and long, until he found himself in a forest. He decided no oranges would follow him and entered the forest. As he wandered further in, he heard some blueberries whispering behind him. Then one spoke up and said, “Hello orange, why are you here? We have never seen an orange in this forest before,” and the orange replied, “I am away from my land because a mean kid colored me purple!.” so the blueberries responded, “Why does that make you sad? We are called blueberries, but we are purple as well! Titles do not define the fruit.” The orange thought about this, and then said, “Hey, I guess you’re right! Thank you for your help” and ran to his home and told the oranges the same thing, and they thought about it and said, “Hey, I guess you’re right! We promise not to make fun of you anymore,” and they stayed true to their word and lived peacefully…



Adam Deitsch

Adam is an Atmospheric Science PhD student with a background in Environmental Science. His Medium writing has taken a temporary hiatus while he does research.