The Pygmalion Effect And The Power Of Positive Expectations

With this psychological trick, you can achieve top performance

Antonis Iliakis


Photo by chokniti on Adobe Stock

If you’ve always wondered how to maximize your performance, then here’s the right solution for you. The Pygmalion Effect may sound complicated, but its effectiveness is amazing and scientifically proven. It is a simple psychological trick that is extremely effective.

What is the Pygmalion Effect?

The discovery of this psychological trick dates back to 1968. We have the two American psychologists Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson to thank for this simple trick. In the late 1960s, an IQ test was administered at a California elementary school. The results of the test were shared only with the teachers.

The two researchers predicted that the children with the highest scores would eventually be at the top of their class. Of course, that was the case, because on a visit a few years later, it was precisely these students who were among the best in their class. Of course, this may not sound surprising at first.

But the study had a little trick. The two researchers did not tell the teachers the results of the students with the highest IQ but simply selected a few random students randomly. The teachers were then told that these…



Antonis Iliakis

Constantly seeking out the boundless opportunities that life has to offer. Believing in the power of positivity, I embrace challenges through the written word.