The “ Random” Text From Your Ex…

Decoding the cryptic message we all get at one point in our lives.

Alexa Nicole


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

It’s your birthday! Throughout the day, you are receiving well wishes from friends and family. So, you are feeling grateful from all the love. You’re phone buzzes and you excitedly unlock it to read the message you just got. Then, your stomach drops….it’s from your ex.

“Happy birthday! Found this photo of us the other day. Hope you have a good day. <The picture of you guys when you were together, attached to the text>”

You feel a bit dumbfounded. The last time you talked with him, it did not end well. He had initiated the breakup conversation. It was mostly yelling that concluded in a harsh goodbye. It was also only a couple of months ago. So, why did he decide to send a somewhat sweet, yet somewhat random birthday text message?

There could be a couple of reasons as to why he felt motivated to send the subtly jarring text.

  1. Your birthday was the excuse to reach out

It’s not a surprise that he decided to reach out on your special day. As you knows, you get many well wishes on your birthday and of course you will send back an appreciation message. That is…



Alexa Nicole

Passionate about career next-steps, relationships, health and self-improvement in your 20’s.