The Real Definition of Love

Jahnavi Sripada
Published in
4 min readMay 4, 2023
Image by Pratty Brito from Unsplash

It was 6 in the morning. The morning prayers started at the temple nearby. The sounds of birds chirping break the quietness of the early morning, As the sun begins to rise, the sounds of chanting and prayer echo through the air. I made my morning cup of coffee, sat on the couch of the balcony, and looked around, I saw an elderly couple walking on the ground of our apartment. I see them every day. They seem very peaceful and greet everyone with a smile. I understood the meaning of serenity from their lifestyle.

An hour later I woke up my husband, Arjun, and my two kids Jaanu and Koushik. I got them ready for school. Meanwhile, Radha came over and made delicious breakfast and lunch for us. My husband works as a clerk in a bank and I work in a small school as a drawing teacher just to meet our daily needs. I get merely paid but it helps me in both ways, I can earn a little money, and also it's fun to teach art to kids. I usually try to save this money to buy something for my kids. Jaanu’s birthday is approaching. She’s turning 7 this month. She is a little impulsive when it comes to possessions. She is asking for a bicycle till doomsday. My son instead never asks for anything. He has always been found with books or playing cricket with his friends.

We are penny-pinching to buy her a bicycle as a birthday present. My husband came home. we sat together and started budgeting our monthly expenses. When the kids arrived from school, Arjun asked them to get ready for shopping but Koushik denied because he had some work to do. Jaanu looked very excited. she was cheering, clapping, and dancing, but my son seemed dull, I could sense that something is bothering him, and when I asked, he said he was stressed about the next day's exam. I tried to cheer him up.

A few hours later the father and daughter returned home with a cricket set. Jaanu is carrying it, and it appeared to be bigger than the girl, but her face looked as bright as the stars in the sky.

When I asked about the bicycle, she replied she didn’t want a bicycle or a birthday party.

She started calling Koushik and he came out and was surprised to see a cricket kit in her hands. She said, “Come take it, How long should I carry this? It’s too heavy”.She handed it over to him and said “Now you can play in the tournament.” Kaushik got tears in his eyes, and he asked how did she know about it. I was astonished by the entire incident and Arjun started narrating the whole story.

Arjun: Jaanu, Which one do you want to buy first, a bicycle or a new dress?

Jaanu: Neither of them dad, let's go to the sports shop.

A: Why do we need to go there?

J: I will tell but please drive fast.

They arrived at the shop

A: Now tell me why are we here?

J: Dad, Anna needs a cricket kit in order to play in the tournament, one of my friends from school told me that he was out of the team because he didn't have it. But he didn't tell us because you are buying me a cycle. I neither need a cycle nor a birthday party let's buy this for him. When he wins we will celebrate. Arjun was speechless, He got tears in his eyes and praised her. They bought a cricket kit and a simple birthday dress. After listening to this Kaushik, holding his tears hugged Jaanu and thanked her.

I asked Kaushik why didn't he tell us before, He replied that grandpa and grandma who walks daily on the ground once said,

“Love is prioritizing other’s needs before us”.

You and Dad always do the same thing for us and I did because I love her. I don't want to upset her by taking her birthday present. neither did I want to burden you with buying both at a time.

Tears flowed down my cheek, The room got filled with tears of emotion. We hugged both of them and we are so proud as parents to see this level of understanding in our children.

A few days later,

Koushik won the tournament and we pushed the boat out and had a party with all the family members, we invited the old couple and thanked them for imbibing the real definition of love in our children's hearts.

I am Renuka, and this is my story.

do follow for more.

— Jahnavi Sripada



Jahnavi Sripada

I am a typical writer who might not change the world but at least I can make you think. Self help and fiction story teller. Open for writing gigs.