The Real Problem with Men is Emotional

This scenario occurs far too often

Brian Lamacraft


Photo by Tycho Atsma on Unsplash

I wanted to discuss one of the main problems that men face. This problem is the inability to deal with their emotions. This is because of the way we bring men up in this world.

Men are taught that they should be tough and that they should never show their emotions. You look like a weakling when you show your emotions. How often do we see women crying? This occurs all the time. How often do we see men crying?

Crying is a natural emotion. It’s something that we should feel free to do at any time. It’s a way for us to express our feelings. We have to let our emotions out because when we keep them inside, they do us more harm than we realize.

One of the common ways men express themselves is through anger. You can’t get in the man’s personal space, or he will crush you like an ant. Anger is men’s way of protecting themselves from their environment around them. Have you ever heard something along the lines of the following?

“Dan’s a real nice guy, but don’t mess with him. He will destroy you.”

Do You Want to Meet Dan?

A lot of guys would say that Dan is just protective. He doesn’t want anyone to mess with this stuff. The main problem Dan can’t express his…



Brian Lamacraft

Brian is an online writer and blogger. In his spare time, he plays guitar and goes camping.