The Real Reason Why Smart People Struggle to Make Money Online

Published in
3 min readJul 7, 2023
Reason Why Smart People Struggle to Make Money Online
Photo Created by Author with AI

It’s a common misconception that intelligence equates to success.

This notion is particularly prevalent in the online sphere, where people often assume that the smarter you are, the more money you’ll make. But is this really the case?

From my observations and personal experiences, it doesn’t necessarily hold true. The reality can, in fact, be quite different.

Rewind to my days in the 9–5 professional world, where I initially believed that my level of intelligence would directly impact my earnings.

However, as I delved deeper into my career, I noticed a surprising trend. The colleagues who received the most substantial bonuses and pay raises weren’t necessarily the ones with impressive academic records or even high intelligence. Many of them were average individuals who barely made it through college. Yet, they were the top earners.

This paradox eventually pushed me to leave the traditional job market and embark on my own journey into the realm of digital entrepreneurship.

Fast forward to today, someone I know in this field can proudly boast of 149.5k followers, 13.5k email subscribers, and a comfortable online income.

As their online business flourished, they began helping others follow in their footsteps, coaching hundreds of people on how to make money online.

But once again, the familiar pattern surfaced. Those with the best skills, extensive experience, vast knowledge, and impressive academic achievements often faced the greatest struggles in their online money-making endeavors.

After contemplating this perplexing trend, an insight emerged.

The missing link wasn’t a lack of skills or knowledge, but rather the absence of an emotional connection with the audience.

Yes, you read that right.

While demonstrating your expertise, delivering high-quality content, and mastering a high-income skill can earn you some money, consistent, life-altering earnings require something more.

You must establish an emotional connection with your audience.

Think about your favorite TV and movie characters. What makes them unforgettable isn’t merely the plot, but the emotional connection you feel towards them.

As an online entrepreneur, you are the main character in the narrative of your brand. Your audience is following your journey.

But, if you fail to create emotional bridges with your audience by sharing your story, your vulnerabilities, your lessons, and experiences, they may never truly know or trust you. And without trust, they won’t be inclined to buy from you.

So, if you’re one of those smart individuals who’s finding it hard to make money online, consider this perspective. Instead of focusing solely on your skills and knowledge, endeavor to build an emotional connection with your audience.

Let them see your human side.

Share your journey, your triumphs, your failures.

Remember, your audience won’t just buy from you because they admire your intelligence. They’ll buy from you because they trust you.

And trust is often built when people can relate to you on an emotional level.

So, show your authenticity. Share your journey. Because that, my friends, is the secret to genuinely succeeding in making money online.

