The Remake of Starry Night for Only $50

The Untold Talent of 12-Year-Old Girl from the Land Below the Wind

Merilyne C. Milton


Did you know that Vincent van Gogh did not start painting until he reached the age of 27? And it was his brother, Theodore van Gogh who discovered his artistic talent and encouraged Vincent to concentrate more on his drawings.

Another quite-the-same story took place on the other side of the world — Sabah, the Land Below the Wind or also known as The North Borneo when it was still under the British colony. Born a little Bornean girl named Ameena Asyari — having the same passion as van Gogh — To admire arts.

Just like other ordinary kids, Ameena started playing with colors, drawing cartoons, and even drawing on the house’s floor with colorful chalks — never did her mom knows she has a gifted kid at home. Just like Ameena, her other sisters are into arts as well — like drawing, making origami, creating crafts just to mention a few — the mom thought those are just pastime activities for her children at home during the weekends. They are just kids who prefer to play stuff and try on new things and have fun.

Photo credit by the author: Ameena’s first painting at the age of five ( The Little Black Bird)



Merilyne C. Milton

A lady from Borneo. A dreamer. A founder of Anything Asia.