The Responses I Got From a Software Developer Candidate That Made Me Hire Him

These examples answers will help you nail your technical interview.

James Williams


Photo by Mark König on Unsplash

Software developer interviews are tragicomedies.

Developers fail in interviews because they overlook the human element. They practice algorithms but fail to show enthusiasm or joy. These melancholy pseudo technology discussions overshadow their ingenuity because developers don’t show their human side. They buckle under the pressure of a simple human conversation.

Anxiety and anticipation often make developers appear like a deer in headlights. When asked a casual question, they’re baffled. It’s as if they are singers who gasp for their words as soon as a song starts.

Not only do they suffer stage fright, but common sense business acumen escapes them. I nod my head in confusion when developers join Zoom interviews with their cameras off and no sound. Ten minutes after the meeting starts, they fumble around with their audio settings. After they waste ample time, I’m greeted with a shadowy figure looking to hide rather than shine.

In the past two weeks, I have suffered through painful, awkward interviews. I found myself glancing at the time every few minutes, hoping my internet would fail. Some developers…



James Williams

Founder of COFEBE, Inc. We build tools that make engineer’s jobs easier.