The Restless Mind

Ezekiel Juma
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2022
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

During Ancient period the self- realized individuals described the Mind to be like a monkey

Monkeys are always jumpy...

Our Minds are often restless and in a state of bewilderment, this is because of our uncertainty, desires, attachments, and Ignorance of the world.

When the mind is at ease we can be able to focus and be productive, but when the mind is at war with us we are unable to be productive either for ourselves or for the benefit of others.

Most often we feel hopeless by being controlled by our mind's dictations, and it has cost us dearly.

In the Indian holy scripture Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna states..

B.G 6.5: “For him who has conquered the mind is the best friend, but for one who has failed to do so the mind will remain the greatest enemy.”

Lord Krishna.

Failure to control our minds would result in chaos in our lives, that’s why it’s very important to control our minds.

A Controlled mind is a Gold mine of Light, prosperity, calmness, and tranquillity.

An uncontrolled Mind is a Reservoir of negativity, stress, anxiety, and well of darkness.

Human beings have always been seeking pleasure and happiness, however, we haven’t been able to escape from suffering itself.

Human suffering is categorized into three phases

A. Suffering caused by natural calamities example floods, drought, and hurricanes.

B. Suffering inflicted by other Human beings example Our Enemies

C. Suffering caused by our own’s mind and body example Stress, anxiety, and diseases.

Our minds perceive stress, anxiety, uncertainty, and difficulties, as a form of threats to be avoided

What we perceive as stress is the mind's inclination in form of imagination which later magnifies the situation, this does not necessarily mean we are stressed.

Seneca the Greek philosopher elaborated it well

“We suffer more in imagination than in reality.”

Seneca the younger

It is not surprising our minds seek pleasure and avoid difficulties and conflict

As long as we live in this world shall undergo difficulties and uncomfortable situations which may result in our minds going wild and being unable to take it anymore.

In spite of what we go through, there is a need for us to learn from our mistakes.

Armor the Mind


Meditation is an ancient spiritual practice tool aimed to keep the mind at ease, through the concentration of mantras.

I personally have practiced bhakti yoga a Gaudiya Vaishnavism sect, in which we used to chant mantras using tulsi beads.

Meditation has been used for many centuries by spiritual aspirants to sharpen their focus and spiritual discipline.

If you haven’t tried meditation by my guest and walk towards the doorway of tranquillity.

Meditation clears up the baggage in our minds.

Tame your Restless mind by Meditation!!

Psychology tools

Journaling and self-analysis are psychological tools that have been used by Philosophers, hermits, psychiatrists such as Carl Jung, and modern psychologists.

Journaling and self-analysis are efficient tools to curb the restless mind.

Through Journaling one is able to keep track of his or her feelings, thoughts, and emotions.

Self-analysis opens our hearts and minds by analyzing our inner core being.

Take a book right down what you feel about Anxious, stressed, or uncertain.

Self-examine yourself so keep track of what needs to be improved in your aspect of life.

The Epitome

Live with intentions

A life lived with intention is Authentic

We must be in alignment with our words, thoughts, and actions so as not to cheat ourselves.

Human beings can heal and control their restless mind by living with principles, and integrity.

Final words

  • The Restless mind is caused by desires, attachments, beliefs, thoughts, and our own ignorance.
  • Stress is a result of not letting go of our desires, which contradict our current situation.
  • Tranquillity or serenity can be achieved through meditation, journalism, and self-analysis.
  • A controlled mind is a reservoir of peace, prosperity, and tranquillity, while an uncontrolled mind is a well of darkness and chaos.

