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The Rich Life of a Leader

An essay on leadership development that starts from within.

Le Voir N. Lewis


Photo by Unseen Histories on Unsplash

Leadership is often defined as leading a group of people or an organization with like-minded goals and initiatives. A more specific definition is when a motivating figurehead takes risks and inspires people to achieve a goal despite the odds. One person who comes to mind when considering the more specific definition is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“People marched with Martin Luther King, even though they knew they might get beaten.”

In the shaping and molding of American history, Dr. King spoke eloquently, believing in the principles he often spoke of, and shared his plan for racial equality. People of all ages, genders, and nationalities believed in Dr. King’s purpose and plan, often following him in droves by marching and boycotting. Leading a civil rights movement displayed many facets of challenging the status quo and Jim Crow Laws.

Sports figures, actors and actresses, and many other celebrities who were not people of color risked their careers and reputations in support of a visionary who wanted equal rights for Blacks.

“People marched with Martin Luther King, even though they knew they might get beaten,” says Karol Jordan, chair of the MLK Observance Committee at Boston Children’s Hospital…



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