The Road To Hell That Ended In Heaven

Another day in Paradise, far from a storm called Narcissism

Liam Ireland


Image by Todd DeSantis on Unsplash

The Roads To Hell That End In Heaven. Parts One and Two.

As I sit in the dusky years of my life, on the other side of the world, far from the scene of my marital down-fall, I cannot help but ponder a little on the roads that brought me here. There were days of desolation, depression and despair, days when I just wanted it all to end. Never did I think, nor allow myself to think, that one day it would all come to a good end. And in some ways, it never really did. But I did my best, and where I did end up is as darn near heaven as one could expect, under the circumstances.

Part One.

Looking back on very turbulent exits from my two previous marriages to two toxic narcissists, I do sometimes wonder how I ever got through it. And then I am reminded on a daily basis of how I didn’t get through it, I am in fact still going through it. All I have managed to do is to escape from the front lines of those battles to at least find peace and tranquillity, not to mention the enduring love of an amazing third wife.

Not a day goes by when I do not think about my four children, three with the first ex-wife and one with the second, three of whom I remain estranged. It feels as though I am dead to…



Liam Ireland

Author, writer, Illumination Editor, Top Writer in short stories and poetry.