The Rollercoaster of Self-Discovery:

Kalyn BR
Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2023

Flowing Energy for Authentic Healing and Growth

Photo by Author

The Underground Journey: Deconstructing the Self

When we start our spiritual journey, it’s kind of like going on an underground adventure. We start to unpack and break down the person we thought we were. This can feel like a wild rollercoaster ride into the unknown, leaving us feeling vulnerable. But don’t worry! As a spiritual coach, I promise you this is a crucial step. It helps us break free from our binding past and opens up a whole new world of exciting possibilities. It opens us up to our unlimited, divine potential.

Lighting Up the Self: Healing Authentically

Once we’ve taken the plunge, the next part of the ride is to allow the raw, exposed self to heal authentically. This healing process is like allowing the light of your Source Energy to shine onto the raw aspects, strengthening the self in the light and love that you inherently are.

This healing process leads to a surge in confidence as you get to know who you truly are, especially at a higher vibrating or divine level. It’s like reaching the peak of the rollercoaster, where you can see the entire amusement park below. From this vista, you can see yourself more clearly. Identifying your passions in life, and finding a love of life are often side benefits. It’s the thrill of the ride, the wind in your hair, the exhilaration of being truly alive.

This step is crucial. Without it, your subconscious might feel the need to protect itself, leading to the resurgence of your ego. It’s like buckling up before the ride starts, ensuring safety. After all, your authenticity needs to strengthen and develop itself too; it has gone silent, buried by your conditioned thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors of your conditioning.

Balancing the Ride: Dualistic and Non-Dualistic Energies

On this spiritual rollercoaster, it’s important to balance the highs and lows, the twists and turns. This means flowing your energy in a dualistic way, keeping in touch with your non-dualistic side while also developing your authentic dualistic side. It’s like enjoying the thrill of the ride while staying grounded in your seat. This balance allows you to experience the best of both the energetic and physical worlds.

The Art of Flowing Your Energy

Flowing your energy is like mastering the art of riding the rollercoaster. It involves three steps:

1. Welcoming the Experience: Embrace whatever you are experiencing without judgment or resistance. It’s like getting on the ride, ready for the adventure.

2. Allowing the Impact: Acknowledge the impact of the experience on you, allowing it to shape and mold you. It’s like feeling the rush of the wind, the pull of gravity, the thrill of the speed — every bit of the ride has something to contribute to your journey.

3. Letting it Flow: Release the experience, letting it flow downstream like a leaf in a river. This act of letting go allows you to move forward without being weighed down by the past. It’s like getting off the rollercoaster, feeling the adrenaline rush, but ready for the next ride.

Flowing our energy is not just a tool, but a necessity on the path to authentic self-discovery and personal growth. Embrace the transformative power of flowing your energy, as it leads you to a deeper connection to your authentic self and the non-dual self. By bringing heaven and earth together, your life will know fewer limits, more love, and more blissful fulfillment.

Embrace the rollercoaster ride, and witness the beautiful dance of authentic self-discovery and growth unfold before you. It’s a ride filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, but every moment is a step toward enlightenment. So buckle up and enjoy the ride, for it’s the ride of a lifetime.

About Me:
For 20 years one of my favorite things has been helping people raise their frequency bringing forward both the dual and non-dual sides. Empower your divine human self and live your dreams-
Teacher & author (under KB Raphael)
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Kalyn BR

Helping People Live Their Dreams As Intuitive Retreat Leader: US, Mexico & Bali, On-going Groups & Author (10 Books incl. Shamanic Egg Cleansing) | Flowing.Zone