The Rx for Procrastination in 3 Simple Words?

How to avoid the frustration of inaction.

Tim Maudlin
Published in
3 min readMay 7, 2020


Photo by the Author

The following is the story about the time when I was delaying to launch my website. It’s a lesson I learned then and I hope it will inspire you now.

It started creeping into my mind and the practical side of me began agreeing with each rational argument for why I wasn’t ready. Why I wasn’t ready to announce my website.

A perfectionist by nature, I always want to do my best and I don’t want anyone to see anything that I don’t consider my best. It’s something that I have had to fight against my entire life.

Building my own platform and launching it to the world is scary. It’s not that I doubt the message I’m conveying.

Am I the right messenger?

What about all of the things that go into getting my message out there?

Things like…

  • Is the website ready?
  • Do the links work?
  • Do I have enough content?
  • What if this, what if that?

Over and over I can think of things I should do before I tell everyone about it. Even as I write this, I can see if I…



Tim Maudlin

Podcaster | Storyteller | Journaling Coach | Want to Declutter Your Mind? I Encourage Creativity and Soul-Searching with the Power of Pen to Paper