The Science Behind Human Hairfall

This is the Only Article required for you to know about hair loss.

4 min readOct 21, 2023


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The normal human hairs are classified into:

  • Anagen hairs: Growing Hairs.
  • Catagen hairs: Transition of Growing Hairs to Resting Hairs.
  • Telogen Hairs: Resting Hairs.

Anagen hairs grow for 3 years. this type of hair is soft and moist with dark color. Catagen hairs last for 2 weeks and they stop the growth of hair. Telogen hairs are resting hairs that stay on the head for 3 months.

When we comb our hairs and those hairs in our hair brush we see and get panic is none other than telogen hairs. They are usually pulled out through some mechanical means.


Alopecia Areata is a French word that is used for the complete loss of hair on the scalp. It is seen in the scalp, eyebrows, beard, and eyelashes. There is a development of bald patches, this patches are of circular or oval shape within 1 to 5cm in diameter.

In alopecia, the problem arises in the anagen phase when it damages the hair shaft and it leads to the early catagen and telogen phases.

If there is a complete loss of hair in the scalp it is called ALOPECIA TOTALIS

If there is a complete loss of hair in the whole body it is called ALOPECIA UNIVERSALIS

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There is no known cause for alopecia but research points toward autoimmune disease due to genetic factors.

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Telogen Effluvium:

The excessive loss of normal club hairs from resting follicles in the scalp. This excessive loss of hair results from the traumatization of normal hair by some stimulus (eg surgery, parturition, fever, drugs, traction) which leads the anagen phase into catagen and telogen phases.

Hair loss is noted by the patient as ‘lots of hairs come out of the roots’. This kind of hair loss is diffuse in pattern. In telogen effluvium, the telogen hairs are over 25% in the whole scalp.

Anagen Effluvium:

Anagen effluvium is usually observed in cancer chemotherapeutic agents such as antimetabolites, alkylating agents, and mitotic inhibitors. When high doses of cancer meds are given to a patient there is instant hair loss is marked within one or two weeks.

With the cessation of drug therapy, the hair follicles resume their normal activity within a few weeks, the process is entirely reversible. The mitotic inhibitors just stop the production of matrix cells but do not permanently destroy hair.

Male Pattern Alopecia:

Male Alopecia shoes at the age of twenties and thirties after hitting puberty. Gradual hair loss from the vertex and frontotemporal region of the head. The anterior hairline starts decreasing on each side. Eventually, the entire scalp becomes devoid of hair.

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Increased levels of DHT causes hair loss. It is due to high testosterone secreation and 5-Alpha-reduction induces the formation DHT. This is why doctors recommend DHT Blockers to regrow hairs thicker and brighter.

Androgenetic Alopecia in Women:

The pattern of hair loss is quite different in women. Women generally have diffuse hair loss throughout the mid-scalp sparing the frontal hairline except for slight recession.

The cause is now believed to be a genetic predisposition with an excessive androgen response even though levels of circulating testosterone are not elevated.

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It is a neurotic practice of plucking or breaking hair from the scalp or eyelashes. This is seen in mostly girls under 10, but boys, and adults of either sex, may it too.

Hot Comb Alopecia:

It is seen in black women who straighten their hair with hot hair comb for cosmetic purposes. The hot petroleum used with the iron causes thermal damage to hair follicles leading to the destruction of entire follicles.

Pressure Alopecia:

In the occipital area, the pressure alopecia is seen mostly. Due to prolonged bedrest in ill persons, in babies lying on their back, and in adults most often seen after prolonged pressure of anesthesia.

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