The Science Behind Unhealthy Attractions

Joe Gibson, Above The Middle
Published in
5 min readSep 25, 2023


Photo by Gabriel Bastelli on Pexels

I first stumbled over the work of Ken Page whilst listening to one of my favorite personal development podcasts. Having found myself caught up in unavailable, unfulfilling, and self-deprecating relationships time after time, Ken’s work opened my eyes to where I had been going wrong.

Our relationships are built on attractions. We meet someone new, we sense a feeling, and we decide if we’d like to pursue it, or not. This makes the nature of the attraction a key contributor to the makeup of the resulting relationship.

Like a loaf of bread crammed full of sugar and one with very little, differences in baking ingredients result in significantly different health implications in the finished product. Am I going to feel lethargic and tired by the time my sugar levels fall, or will I be fine?

Bread metaphors aside, bringing awareness to our attractions is a must if we’re in habit of choosing the wrong people and enduring the same old toxic relationships.

Ken Page differentiates healthy and unhealthy relationships by two varying attractions; attractions of inspiration, and attractions of deprivation. Understanding the concept and science behind the latter is key to breaking our bad habit of pursuing unhealthy relationships.

Attractions Of Deprivation



Joe Gibson, Above The Middle

Your path to authentic love and secure relationships starts here. Above The Middle, a blog by me, Joe Gibson.