The Screw

T’was only yesterday I noticed you.…a sign perhaps of knowing something new

Amy Marley


Screw in tyre — Amy Marley
Screw you…screw! — photo my own

Quick! We are running late
Late for a birthday date
Playing, laughing having fun

Quick! It’s time to get more done

Pick up a car seat from the shop
Hold my hand, that car won’t stop
Snap goes the harness into place

Crap! Is that a screw in my tyre’s face

Out comes the jack and spare
To replace the tyre leaking air
Glad I remembered the steps
And strength still in my biceps

Back home safely for bit
A moment or two to just sit
Almost time for another celebration

Quick! No more time for hesitation


What has happened to your eyes
An old fear starts to rise
My darling child is starting to swell
Big sister’s reaction remembered well

Hives all over your little tummy
It’s starting to feel scary for mummy
Off to a doctor that is still open
Please not again I am hope’n

