The Secret to Build Your Empire

Make the future you proud of the actions you have taken today

Alex Mah, ACA


Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels

It is the time of the week again.


You are probably thinking about what show to watch on Netflix. “The Queen’s Gambit”? Maybe “Money Heist” is better.

Maybe you are thinking of where to go later to enjoy your life.

Maybe not. You are at the work desk, quietly hustling through the night.

What is a side hustle?

A side hustle is what you do after your 9–5 job. When most people ended their long day at work, yours is just getting started. Again.

Building your Youtube channel, reading the financial report to build your stock portfolio, selling things online — whatever you do, you continue to invest that precious time of yours, sowing the seeds. Believing that one day, it will bear fruit.

That is the art of side hustle.

Why you need to take a side hustle seriously

The world is printing money at an unprecedented rate to curb the pandemic. As a result, there is more money chasing after the same amount of goods.

