The Secret to Manifesting Effortlessly

You can only manifest WHO you are.

Carl Gerber (aka Kristopher Raphael)
5 min readOct 4, 2022


EkBalam Pyramid, Mexico, photo by author

“The Universe delights in creating so you also can delight in creating and manifesting but only if you are rooted in the being dimension.” — Eckhart Tolle

Who Do You Want To Be for the Rest of YOUR LIFE?

The answer to this question is crucial because it determines what you will manifest in your life. You manifest who you are, not what you want. Too often, people get it backward when trying to create something in their lives. They focus on what they want to create, not on who they will be as the person who already has what they want.

Focusing on Doing Means Blood Sweat and Tears

In mass consciousness, the prevalent belief is that you must work hard to achieve your goals. And there is a partial truth in this belief. Hard work can lead to results. Hard work doesn’t always give you the desired outcome, but it can. It is undoubtedly more effective than sitting around doing nothing at all.

The problem with hard work is that it often leads to burnout and exhaustion, resulting in little energy left to enjoy life.

The Universe Does Not Reward Hard Work

Regarding financial benefits, some of the jobs that require the most blood and sweat, lead to the least amount of abundance. A typical coal miner, who often physically toils in hot, dark, dangerous conditions, is lucky to earn $3,000 a month. Fast food workers earn less than $25,000 a year. The top 15 CEOs make over $100 million a year, or over $8,000,000 a month. Do they work harder than the coal miner earning $3,000 a month? The CEOs undoubtedly work hard, but do they work over 2,000 times harder?

What about the self-image of the CEO compared to the coal miner, who do they believe themselves to be? The CEO believes they are successful and wealthy. It is who they are. The coal miner will likely believe that they will never have enough money, no matter how hard they work. Lack is who they are.

Some people might believe that the CEO sees themself to be abundant, successful person because they have received a high salary. But, it is the other way around. The CEO receives a high salary because they see themselves as abundant and successful. The universe brings them financial success because it is who they are.

What happens if a person receives a lot of money but does not believe abundance is who they are? We see this in lotto winners. Within a few years of winning the lotto, they frequently lose everything they have. They do not see themselves as abundant. It is not who they are. Because you only manifest who you are, you will not be able to sustain abundance if it is not who you are.

“If you lose your connection to who you are, your BEING, you become lost in the world of DOING, and that is a scary place to be.” — Eckhart Tolle

How to Manifest Effortlessly

The ability to manifest comes from aspects of Belief, Imagination, Intention, Emotions, and Aligned Action. You can work on each of these separately, changing your beliefs, imagining and visioning what you desire, intending what you desire, generating high emotions around what you desire, and taking actions aligned with what you desire.

But, this takes time and is a lot of work.

Instead, shift your identity, who you are, your I AM, and the above aspect will shift naturally, with far less effort.

The Steps

  • Focus on something you wish to manifest. Refine the desire so that it is authentic as possible. One way to do this is to see yourself with the desire manifest. Ask yourself if you feel fulfilled with the desire manifest. If you are not fulfilled, find another desire, or modify the desire, so it is more fulfilling. Often, long-standing desires are more authentic than short-term, fleeting desires.
  • See yourself as having this desire already manifest. Who are you? What are your thoughts? What feelings do you have? What actions are you taking? What experiences are you having?
  • Feel who you are as the desire already manifests. Identify with the person who is feeling. Know that they are who you are. Become intimate with who you are with your desires manifest. Become that person. Find yourself in your new self-image. Know yourself in what you are creating and becoming. Be it.
  • Every day, when you first wake up, recall who you are with your desire manifest. State to yourself, “I AM .” As you go about your day, recall who you are and say to yourself, “I AM .”

If you wish to create a successful new business, for example, see yourself already having created the business. What are you like? Who are you as the business owner? How do you feel about your success? What are your predominant thoughts? What actions are you taking? Identify with the successful business owner that you are. Say to yourself, “I AM the owner of my successful business. I AM the successful entrepreneur who has my business.” Shift your identity to the person who already has a successful business. Be that person. Recall who you are as that person and live it.

As you are the person who has what you desire already manifest, you will naturally take aligned actions (doings) that support what you are manifesting. You automatically think like, feel like and act like the person who has what you desire. The more you shift your identity to that person, the easier it will be to sustain what you manifest and grow it. Manifesting becomes effortless.



Carl Gerber (aka Kristopher Raphael)

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