The Secret to Spending All You Want

Without going bankrupt.

Priyanka Mashelkar


Photo by Obi Onyeador on Unsplash

There are two types of people — those who find it hard to save, and those who find it hard to spend. Yes — hard to spend. Either because we go overboard and spend more than we meant to — cue the self guilt-trip, or we are simply too anxious to spend, fearing the first outcome.

I definitely belong to the second category. I am a ‘saver’ at heart, always looking for a ‘frugal’ way out, and I would rather save than spend. I also have a secret (well, not that secret anymore now) fear that once I start spending, I won’t stop.

Spending is an art. Anyone can spend mindlessly, with only a momentary spike in dopamine. But spending freely, on things that will provide value to you, without any associated guilt, while also ensuring that you are on track for your financial goals, in other words, spending well, is truly an art.

Whether you are like me, or simply need some help in spending well, here are some ways to do so.

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Priyanka Mashelkar

Personal finance that is simple, practical, and enjoyable. Productivity that isn't toxic. Advice that is research-backed, not pleasant.