The Secrets Behind How I Made $12,184.40 from One Medium Article

If I can do it, so can you

Jason Gutierrez


Image by author

One cold, early morning in late January 2018, I woke at 5:30 to let my new puppy relieve himself.

While he did his business, I brewed a pot of coffee then opened my laptop to start writing. About an hour later, I had written a draft of an article that would forever change my views on what was possible writing online.

That evening, I spent another 10 to 15 minutes editing the article before submitting it to The Mission as a freebie (not behind Medium’s paywall) to the world.

I settled on the title, “The 50/30/10/10 Rule for How to Wake Up Earlier and Work on Your Dream”.

I’ll let the stats speak for itself:

Since its debut, the article has accumulated 900,000 views, 65,000 claps, and has grossed just over $12,000.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have guessed that an article, written off-the-cuff in barely an hour, would end up generating five figures in earnings.

But I guess that’s how it goes — the articles you spend hours slaving over flop, and…



Jason Gutierrez

Engineer. Papa. I share short essays and stories on careers, life, and the creative process 🖊: