The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of the Last Week on Medium

People are afraid that the sky is falling and they’re certainly making it seem that way

The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)
4 min readMar 26, 2022


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The Sky is Falling, or is it?

I’m not trying to call out anyone in particular. I’ve been seeing a recent influx of stories about how Medium is declining and speculating as to what changes are coming in the future for certain aspects of the platform. They’re proclaiming that the platform is declining. They’re making it seem like the sky is falling. Hold up, Chicken Little. Even people I thoroughly enjoy reading are jumping on this bandwagon. I just feel like if you continue to announce that stuff is happening here, it’ll start to actually happen.

Natural Declines and Recent Changes

So, views are lower this week? The publications just started experiencing changes in their design and format? Are publications going away? Sure, these would normally all be valid concerns if there was some proof to be concerned. Medium is probably not going to take away the publications anytime soon even with the changes they made last year and then again this last week. Sure, as an owner of two publications, I’m a little concerned with the complete reformatting but nothing to be overly concerned about. And most likely it’s the start of Spring that is affecting readership with the weather getting warmer in most parts of the world, especially in the part of the world Medium has the most impact and reach.

Complaining isn’t going to help

Does that mean that writing about or complaining about it is going to help? Is the algorithm magically going to start rewarding people for bringing up unfounded concerns? Probably not. I’m concerned, though, that if this trend continues and gets to a boiling point, then people will just want to completely turn away and tune Medium out altogether. So, that financial concern you were having about your writing may suddenly come true because you started making it seem like a problem.

People don’t like to read about complaining or unfounded speculation. We’re turning off all of the noise about the recent gossip around the changes and downward direction the platform has taken. Some of us just want to continue to get our content and voice out there with no concern for mere rumors trying to drag us all down. I know the people who are bringing these concerns up aren’t bad people.

A genuine concern could shift to productivity

I’m sure many are genuinely concerned with the direction but their outward concern isn’t going to magically bring any additional audience. As I said, this might scare people away and make this site less desirable to click on. They may just be doomsaying their own fate and the fate of many other authentic writers here by crying wolf one too many times. The self-fulfilling prophecy of the end times of Medium may rest in the hands of those ablest to influence its success.

So, top writers and writers with large followings, instead of writing about why you think the site is crashing and burning, influence positive change. We’ve all read about how you made so much money here and there with this and that trick, all you need to do is try drawing more readers back to the site so that the platform can continue to generate revenue instead of complaining of the lack thereof. All of us as a community would be better off seeing our favorite writers trying to affect positive change in this world and on the platform instead of falsely creating a negative image that may not actually be there.

Hysteria and Hard and exact facts…

So this mass hysteria that seems to sweep over people these days is basically manufactured out of the unknown. Sure, it is natural in society for people to be worried or afraid when conditions make what we thought was known uncertain. I’m going to quote the late, legendary director Elia Kazan.

Whatever hysteria exists is inflamed by mystery, suspicion and secrecy. Hard and exact facts will cool it.

Until Medium gives us “hard and exact facts”, all of this speculation is just that. I’ll continue to pay attention to the stories I’ve enjoyed from people and the audience and community I’m continuing to build and not speak on anything that is beyond my knowledge or my pay grade. I suggest that many of you do the same thing, not because I said so, but for the sake of all of us and the general welfare of the site as a whole.



The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)

Gay, disabled in an RV, Cali-NY-PA, Boost Nominator. New Writers Welcome, The Taoist Online, Badform. Owner of International Indie Collective pubs.