The Shame of United Healthcare

And the vultures who profit from other's misfortune

Mandy McElroy


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Where should I begin? I can’t be the only customer of United Healthcare who has struggled with their dental department. I have had two of my doctors, and now my dentist tell me they were the worst insurance company they have ever dealt with.

I understand that insurance is a for-profit business. These companies can’t remain viable without turning a profit. We all need insurance. When we purchase it, it is for our peace of mind. I don’t know of anyone who hopes they will be stricken with cancer, or their house will burn down so they can file an insurance claim. And I am aware insurance companies are at times victims themselves, of fraudsters.

I suppose we, as clients, indirectly pay for the fraud perpetrated upon them through our premiums. I can’t imagine that ordinary consumers wish to see insurance companies taken advantage of for that reason if no other. I certainly don’t, and I appreciate the service they offer. Peace of mind is a priceless intangible.

However, when these companies guarantee something for a fee, then don’t provide it, in my opinion, that is also fraud. You can’t charge someone a premium every month, then refuse to provide the service you have promised when your customers need it. Specifically, I am referring to…



Mandy McElroy

Divorced for 3 years, after leaving a 40 year marriage. An adult daughter removed herself and her children from my life due to my decision. The pain remains.