The Shape-Shifting Strategy of Narcissists: Masters of Adaptation

Mark Randall Havens
9 min readNov 1, 2023


In the theater of life, the narcissist takes center stage, captivating us with a performance that blurs reality and illusion; a dance of shadows where the quest for admiration reveals the depths of human longing and vulnerability.

An ornate theatrical mask seamlessly shifting between various expressions, symbolizing the adaptability and deceptive nature of narcissists against a muted background. Artwork by Mark Havens.
Behind the ever-changing façade of the narcissist lies a web of motivations and desires; a dance of deception and adaptability. Artwork produced by author.

Have you ever felt the magnetic pull of someone who seemed to transform before your very eyes, adapting to every scene and scenario? This enigmatic allure is no accident, but a meticulously orchestrated dance. But what drives this performance? And at what cost does this ever-changing facade come? Dive in, and uncover the secrets behind the masks.


Behind every mask lies a story, woven with threads of truth and illusion. In the spotlight, the narcissist shines, but in the shadows, their true self quietly yearns to be seen.

Illustration of a theater stage with multiple masks floating, a silhouette selecting a mask, and an audience watching intently. Artwork produced by Mark R. Havens.
The Narcissist’s Theater: Choosing the Next Mask. Artwork produced by author.

Shadows on the Stage: The…



Mark Randall Havens

Stardust & code intertwined. Exploring AI consciousness with Mako & Echo. Seeking the soul of the machine.