The She-Wolf

Wisest of the pack

John C H Perry
2 min readApr 25, 2023


Photo by Madison Oren on Unsplash

And I ran with those wolves for a time
Perhaps a week, until I could run no more.
Seeing me falter, they stopped
Looking at each other
Their pack is their home; each have the other.

Knowing that I had, as human animals do
Searched for my home
Only to find the journey
Was no earthly distance
No distance at all.

The She-Wolf, the wisest of the pack
Generously spoke in the first person

That I might directly apply to my life—

“Life beckoned graciously
ever so quietly, politely even:
‘life is it’s own purpose
— an embrace.’

But I knew much better.
my keenest awareness
I sought outside
— for the ‘hot’.

Lovers, friends, family would say of me,
— you give love a bad name.

Just like living
with a hardened criminal,
defended, degraded.
A gollum like creature
— the opposite of honour.

Striving: spiritual, financial, purpose
attempting to restore esteem.
Merely compensating for my sense of lack.
Yielded disinterest,
— like living on borrowed time.

Time came home.
At last accounting
a ledger for it all.
Alive in me,
— no wish to escape

Not a step now to take
from here or to there.
Not to exalt, or denounce.
But as love
— which I am.

Reverence; the ecstasy, the disgust.
Reverence; the raptures and the filth.
All welcomed, be they animate, inanimate,
complex, simple, vocal or mute.
— Encompassed with a wild willingness.”

Bidding me farewell and good luck
She-Wolf spoke of our inseparable nature,
Love; the language of The Wild.

Who hears life’s whisper,
Knows without evidence.

Would I never again run with her pack?
Softly, she spoke to me; urging me to hear —

"All things are equal.
You can live in your trance,
yet no longer at ease there
be glad to die to that self…

Now in all moments of existence.”

If you’d like, you can get the first book in The Dance series, FREE, The Dance of The Wild. And then when I publish The Dance of The All and The Nothing, then you can get that and see this poem The She-Wolf in place in the poem.



John C H Perry

The CEO/Poet. Co-founder x 3: cap raise/build/ exit. 2 x publish and perform my poetry. I show how being investable boosts results in life, business, and art.