The Shocking Truth: Business Is Booming For Tinder Swindler Simon Leviev

Caryn Leach-Smith
Published in
5 min readMar 22, 2022


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Love him or hate him. The Tinder Swindler, legal name Simon Leviev, birth name Shimon Hayut, is back with a vengeance. Possibly the greatest catfisher in modern times, Leviev has certainly earned his place in history.

The truth is that Simon Leviev ran a very successful business operation. It netted him millions and allowed him to travel the world on a private jet. He hired chauffeur-driven luxury cars, bought designer clothing, and stayed in top hotels. Some might say that crime doesn’t pay but Leviev seems to be living proof that it does.

The amount of money that he was able to amass and the lifestyle that he lived is a truly phenomenal achievement. It is such a great shame that everything he gained was by using lies and deceit.


The man clearly has skills. Lying is his biggest strength. Spotting market opportunities is his second and creative problem solving his third. Although to be fair I should add planning and time management to that list also.

It is a crying shame he didn’t put his talents to work for the good of society. But the sad truth is that not all people are wired to help society in a good way and Simon Leviev is that type of person. He never accepts that he is wrong and he always denies culpability.



Caryn Leach-Smith

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