Humor and Wisdom

The Silence Censorship: Apparently, the European Commission Offered ๐• an Illegal Secret Deal

Wise and Honest Humor from Elon Musk Unveiling Perpetual Silence Censorship in social media

Mike Broadly, DHSc
Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2024


Source Wiki Commons

Censorship of valuable content sucks. Fortunately, we have some emerging leaders with big balls challenging the status quo.

Elon Musk recently made a bold revelation regarding banning Professor
Tim Noakes from old Twitter, now known as X: โ€œIf we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not fine us. The other platforms accepted that deal.โ€ Suddenly, the veil was lifted, and I could see why Medium might be engaging in silent censorship.

Censorship of valuable information that benefits society is a disservice to us all. While itโ€™s crucial to curtail hate speech, defamation, and harmful content on social media and writing platforms, the practice of silencing important topics is equally troubling.

Now, I grasp the concept of silenced censorship, offering insights into whatโ€™s happening on Medium, especially concerning critical subjects like cancer, suicide, abortion, and illegal drug use, even when penned by experts.



Mike Broadly, DHSc

Retired health scientist in his mid 70s, avid reader, writer, chief editor of Health & Science, part of ILLUMINATION. Info: