The Silent Killer: Who Is Trying To Poison Zhu Ling?

How An Ivy League Student Went From Topping Her Cohort To Requiring 24/7 Medical Care

Alphonse JW (Criminal File)
Published in
14 min readNov 16, 2023


A photo of Zhu Ling
Zhu Ling — Source — New York Times

She began to show strange and debilitating symptoms at the end of 1994, when she reported experiencing acute stomach pain, along with extensive hair loss. Following her hospitalization at TongRen Hospital, her condition gradually improved and she was allowed to return to school.

The following March, however, her old symptoms returned worse than before, this time accompanied by pain in her legs, loss of muscular eye control, and partial facial paralysis. Unable to breathe on her own, she was placed on a respirator.

The Crippling Conditions Suffered By Zhu Ling

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Zhu Ling was a student from the prestigious Tsinghua University, the school is better known internationally as the Harvard of China. The students that graced its halls all…

