The Silent Lotus

The Lotus Who Found Her Voice

Carol Townend


Photo by Jay Castor on Unsplash

There was a time when time stood still;

She was frozen,


Scared to speak,

Both verbally and on paper;

Then, the fragile pink lotus,

Uncurled her delicate petals;

Petals around her throat that had

silenced her voice for years,

Her wide mouth opened

Her vocal cords uncurled;

Allowing a sound to escape brighter and more musical

The sound was beautiful,

It stood for everything she believed in,

She could never be silenced again;

She had found her voice, Her freedom;

She was going to use it,

And when she did,

She created a better world for herself and others.

Originally published at



Carol Townend

You can visit my Amazon page here: I have a big love for reading and writing poetry and fiction.