The Simple Reason Why the Pomodoro Technique is a Terrible Productivity Tool

Nicole Linke
Published in
5 min readMar 1, 2022


And what you should do instead

part of a watch on brown background
Photo by Agê Barros on Unsplash

Like many productivity techniques, the Pomodoro Technique is overrated.

I tried it for 10 days before ditching it. Why? Because I found it too rigid to allow for creative work, and it was incredibly anxiety-inducing.

While I tried it, my productivity tanked, and my enjoyment of work along with it.

If you are unfamiliar with the Pomodoro Technique, here’s a quick primer:

  1. Choose a task
  2. Set a timer for 25 minutes
  3. Work for 25 minutes on that task
  4. Take a 5-minute break
  5. Repeat the process 4 times
  6. Take a 15–20 minute break
  7. Repeat the cycle

The premise is that short amounts of ultra-focused work and frequent, small breaks will make you more productive.

However, the opposite is true. Here’s why.

You need to achieve a “flow” state for peak productivity

If you want to create your best work, you need to enter “flow” — a state where you feel your best and perform your best.



Nicole Linke

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