The Single Most Damaging Belief that will Torture you to Mediocrity!

Eliminate this ASAP to Reach your full Potential

6 min readSep 10, 2023


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

I was a shy boy, very very shy boy during my childhood. Living in a remote part of Bali (not the Bali you see on Trip Advisor), I was often seen as pretty timid, quiet, and a bit of a wimpy boy. Physically, I was also quite lanky and scrawny for my age. My peers often made fun of me by calling me “the scrawny Gareth Bale), given the fact I was extremely obsess about everything football and wouldn’t shut up about it.

Little did they know: Gareth Bale would turn out to be the most expensive football player in the world! (take that you suckers)

But all in all, I was pretty average kid.

A timid, shy, and easily forgetable kid who you wouldn’t even give a second look when you pass on the street.

Even after becoming blind at 13, I was still so damn shy. The “blindness” actually had made things worse.

At least before being blind, I was okay being average, quiet, and not receiving so much attention from anyone. But things apparently changed when you walk everywhere with a white cane.

  • People still stare at me in public spaces
  • People will go abnormally quiet when I pass by
  • People will ask me sensitive and personal question about my blindness in public spaces
  • People still putting stigma about me and my disability

Did I get bothered by it?

I use to locked myself up in my room refusing to go outside because all the treatments I received — so, yes, it did bother me quite a bit.

But over the course of my life, I realized I would never change what other’s think of me. I would never be able to control what other people would think about my white cane, about blind people, and about why it’s untrue that all persons with disabilities are helpless.

But I could change what I think of me. Change my attitude.

Change how I react. Rewire my brain. Eliminate the limiting belief — so I did!

Silencing the Crippling You

“Our limitations and success will be based, most often, on your own expectations for ourselves.

What the mind dwells upon, the body acts upon.” ―Denis Waitley

Now, although I was that kid from Bali, lanky like the less-version-of-Gareth-Bale, blinded by the life, it’s more or less the story we all can relate to at some points in our life, right?

No matter who you are (even Gareth Bale himself) must have moments in your life where you doubt yourself. The moment when you feel everything is so uncertain. The moment where the fear, insecurity, and anxiety crackling like a wicked evil demon waiting to eat you bit by bit.


Tell me honestly, these following thought must have came across your mind, maybe one, twice or many times punching like a crippling disease:

-Who the hell am I?

-who would bother to look at me? — I’m not that special

-why do I bother? No one would care about my work.

-Why am I even trying? — everything would just be the same

The crazy thing is: it’s all in your mind!

Insecurity + Inaction + overthinking = limiting belief

I personally struggled massively with self-limiting belief. I kept on overthinking people would judge me for being me.

I kept on investing about what people might think if I did this, if I did that, move like this and that — unhealthy cycle kept going on and on.


Your mind is playing trick on you baby!

Stop feeding that lizard brain with more materials I.E., self-limiting beliefs and self-insecurity

Only through that approach you would be able to escape from the crippling you.

Unlocking your True Potential, and Don’t Listen to this Guy

“If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you.” ~ Louise Hay

As simple ast it may sounds: a limiting belief is simply a belief that “limits” you.

Now, let’s do this together. Answer the following questions below truthfully:

  • Am I satisfied with my current situation? Or is there any possibility I can become better?
  • Would I wish myself to become better than the current me?
  • Have I been unhappy for not doing something because I was afraid people judging me?
  • Would my future self thank me fffor doing something because I truly want to do it?

Now, obviously I’m not gonna pretend like I know what your answer might be (wink wink). But if any of those answer is a yes, it shows you still have something you aspire to be, to achieve, and to have, yet something from the outside holding you back.

  • Identify it — whether it comes from the perseption, stigma from the society, your childhood condition preventing you to be fully happy and to be fulfilled in life
  • Analyse it — whether it’s worth it to address the limiting beliefs and what is the consequences I.e., Positive rewards or negative rewards
  • Take Action — Break the cycle of limiting beliefs by replacing it with a new set of beliefs, habit and set of mindset to move you closer to the best version of yourself


Breaking the limiting belief such as “you’re not good enough” mentality is not easy. If it was, everybody probably have done it already. Just know that it takes time, many repetitions, and failures to get it right.

Just don’t listen to the person inside of you that keeps priching the limiting beliefs to your ear. Listen to the braver you, the fearless one, the one who wants to improve, contribute, and provide value in the world.

Be Strikingly Different in the World of Ordinary

“you laugh at me because I’m different

I laugh at you because you all are the same” anonymous.

Don’t get me wrong, there will be a time when you doubt yourself, when things get uncertain, fear starts crippling in. That’s happen to me too. It’s only natural. After all:

we all are work in progress.

I suck, you suck, they suck, we suck, all suck sometimes somewhere in our life time.

But one thing you got to know:

“be strikingly different,

Don’t be the ordinary!”

There was a time where my old me (the shy, self-conscious, and timid Wikan), would try to take control and drive the steering wheel.

But I didn’t let him.

Because he was untrained, didn’t have ddriving licen, and easily get distracted — not a reliable driver at all cost.

Listen to the “best-version-of-yourself”, don’t listen to the mediocre side of you.

  • Picture yourself becoming strikingly different, walking with confident, and moving with purpose in life
  • Imagine you don’t give a damn about what people might think of you, your haters, you are freely and comfortably posting your thought, story and masterpiece online with ease and style
  • Envision yourself having a dream, purpose, and goals that are unique, creating a positive impact and people are drawn to it naturally

Would you like these?

Would you want to have this reality, ?

Or you’d just rather sticking with your limiting beliefs that are imposed on you, and not living the life you want? you deserve?

Believing you need to be the same, to do the same, to act the same, and to feel the same, it’s a limiting belief that would always limit you from reaching your absolute potential in life.

If you feel your current belief torture you in mediocrity — break free. I know it ain’t easy, but you have internet, you have friends, you have us, you have this community to help you start living your life, in the best way possible.




I share my journey as a writer, self-improvement. And sometimes my story as a blind man.