The Slow Motion to Total Conflict and the USA

There is a fork on the road for us, either choice is a looser.

Veritas Civis
5 min readJun 8, 2024


Like the Man in Tienaman Square, we need to stand in front of an increasingly bellicose World and be, again, our own country. Published by The Associated Press, originally photographed by Jeff Widener, Wikipedia Fair use,

On June 6, Author Bogdan Maftei wrote “Ukraine Gradually Moves Toward Article 5-like Conditions.

It is a very well written article that explains how NATO is moving towards article 5 helping Ukraine. A great piece that explains how this war is fixing to grow a new dimension in conflagration.

Article five is called “The Collective Defense Clause. It specifies that the attack of one member is an attack of all members.”

It has been clear, as Mr. Bogdan specifies -“…the Kremlin’s actions in its war of aggression against Ukraine and the ‘rules-based world order,” as well as the external support the aggressor receives from its allies — North Korea, Iran, and China.

The “rules-based world orderis explained - “In international relations, the liberal international order (LIO), also known as rules-based order, describes a set of global, rule-based, structured relationships based on political liberalism, economic liberalism and liberal internationalism since the late 1940s.”

As Mr. Bogdan specifies- “To effectively defend oneself, it is necessary to destroy production chains, supplies, provisioning, and the construction and delivery of capabilities beyond the national border, where the threat originates and from where one is attacked.”

Destroying the “logistics” of the enemy is where all wars are about. No army can fight without it and win. For example, during WWII, England and the USA sent interminable convoys of war materiel to Russia. Without food and armaments, Stalin could not have mounted the huge Armies he built to fight the Germans and defeat them.

Ukraine has known logistics wins wars and behaved thus since day one. This makes today’s war a long distance “find the mark and destroy it” so the enemy war fighters don’t get what they need when they need it. This is a bow and arrow type war, except, today, rockets are used. Many rockets of various types and Ukraine does not have that capability, it needs supplies from the west.

Ukraine has shown since day one they have the mettle and will for being a Nation and fights like it. Today they are “an unconquerable Nation if they had the means necessary.”

Russia, on the other hand fights like a defeated nation, with no will to even run their own country with loyal citizens. Managed by a Stalin wannabe dictator that rules internally with the lies from his Deep State and by fear alone (sounds similar to the way we are becoming); he is backed by an intelligence agency paid for with national treasure that handles the modern public hangings of people no longer necessary. It deals with the world using the threat of Nuclear devastation. Why? They have nothing to loose. Russia cannot be considered a legal nation of the world, specially with a madman in charge. At best, it is a “me too” geographic location. Similarly for China Iran and North Korea. They subjugate people in different ways to achieve what the central government wants, i.e. People are a commodity to be used as necessary.

If the West is unsuccessful, Russia will eventually have to walk into a relatively empty country to conquer it. The underscore here is that Russia without Ukraine does not function, Ukraine contains all the brains that Russia needs for future developments. On the other hand, if Ukraine is left alone, it will eventually become the USA of Europe and become a threat to Russia.

If this war continues with NATO’s deeper help, Ukraine will win, thus Russia cannot allow that. The world keeps getting smaller and smaller and the Universe won’t have to kill us, we will do it ourselves with nukes.

On the other side of this “Nuclear Wall” live the people that want to live life in peace and by the sweat of their brow but in fear of the thugs. Thus, the West countries do not want to escalate this war and measure carefully the aid they can give to Ukraine. Some of the conditions for the help they give like, “you can’t shoot these across the border,” are laughable but real for the people fighting which is sad.

As the “paradox of the Boiling Frog,” otherwise known as “the process of incremental seduction,” specifies, little by little, we will seduce ourselves into a full blown WWIII.

We fought in WWI against Germany and the European allies imposed on them such humiliating measures, we created the basis for WWII. The conflict expanded into Russia and we helped an evil man stay in power (political conveniance). Similarly on the Asian side which was our excuse to enter WWII. WWII became a World Conflagration. Out of WWII, the USA took over from England as the World Super-Power, we owned the Seas. This allowed us to control World Trade.

At the peak of our superpower status we entered into a cold war with Russia. Meanwhile, Communism spread to China. Which Nixon misread as a cheap labor camp. Today, China is the second largest superpower in the world and crossing bows with us to rule the Seas, for now, near their shores.

At Home

Meanwhile in the home-front today, we are strapped with an impossible debt, due to arrogant governments since LBJ, with very few exceptions. We, today have lost our way. a. we have an unknown form of government; b. we, the people are in internal turmoil; c. the young has been indoctrinated with false truths.

We are country in internal conflict. Driven by “ideology,” manipulated by skillful Politicians, deep state operators, and elites who fund everything.

Worldwide there are two realistic choices:

  1. We can continue to be a mediocre helper in Ukraine for fear of Nuclear war. However, the one to fear is not Russia, it is China — the Chinese has the patience of 4,000 years of history, unequalled by anyone. They pick their battles carefully and know they will win if they do.
  2. We shut our borders, clean house, and let the world do whatever it wants to do.

On item 2., we can reinstitute the James Monroe Doctrine and, as long as the world leaves us alone, we can fix our house.

This means:

  1. We only help ourselves. The old Continent is where all the wars have happened and will continue to happen. We do not have to get dragged into that history, it is not ours. Why are we dragged into it? This means, no more Vietnam’s, Iraq’s, and Afghanistan’s, to name a few. this will allow us to cut the DOD budget which is the biggest line item in the budget
  2. We are no longer the world police. Get rid of all excess baggage like the United Nations (another Woodrow Wilson mistake) and other “aid,” we do to fix old world problems. We have no more money to give away for free.
  3. We keep our border tight and intelligently secure our coasts.

We gave the Atomic Bomb to the World. Today many countries can kill a nation of their choice with a few of them.

Just because we isolate ourselves doesn’t mean “our” enemies of late will leave us alone. We have made enemies all over the Middle East and the world since WWII. However, we can retaliate in kind without sacrificing our youth.

Whatever we have been doing has not worked and is not working. Why keep banging our heads against that wall?




Veritas Civis

Independent Thinker; Learned by Reading; Work to Improve; Love Family; Belief: It’s the truth that makes us one, It’s the center of our sun (“Everybody Cries”).