The Small Things Nice People Always Make Sure to Do

To understand is to see the human in everyone

Steven-Paul Graham
3 min readMar 17, 2021


Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

What makes someone nice? We all know nice people, but do we know what makes them so? I suppose there are many things which make a nice person, but generally, nice people make us feel good whenever they are around. There is something about them that makes them different from everyone else. There is something about how nice people conduct themselves that separates how they approach the world from others.

I have a theory. I believe nice people simply exert a great deal of energy attempting to understand those around them on a deeper level. Through understanding, we are able to separate the person from the people. Nice people see each person they come across for who they are. So what do nice people do differently than the rest of us?

They Listen

Not everyone is nice enough to devote their undivided attention to us.

But nice people have the keen ability to listen to others with great focus. For a nice person to know how to treat others, they must first listen to what makes them tick.

They have to learn about you.

For after the nice individual has a grasp of the type of person you are, they can better converse with you in a way that is enjoyable for you both.

They are not listening to judge, but rather to engage. They don’t care about the embarrassing or even criminal things you might have done. The nice person simply wants to know what lens you see the world through so they too may look through that lens when around you.

They Respect Your Boundaries

Since the nice person has spent such care listening to the things you tell them, they are acutely aware of where you draw the line on certain topics. You might not like certain jokes on sensitive subjects. You might have a tumultuous family life, which you don’t like discussing. You may have a history of various traumas.

But the nice person has already picked up on these things. And they are making a concerted effort to leave such topics out of your discussion unless brought up by you. They are keenly aware of what things affect your mood and do everything in their power to keep you in a positive frame of mind while they are around.

The nice person wishes to help guard your energy rather than disturb it. And they will do everything in their power to steer your conversation towards topics that make you smile.

They Find Ways Compliment You

The nice person knows that people can be awful to each other. That’s why they make it a point to compliment often.

They are always looking for opportunities to give positive reinforcement. Whether they are complimenting your new hair or congratulating you on a job well done, the nice individual doesn’t miss an opportunity to show others that they are appreciated. They make us feel good when they are around. And we notice them for this.

They Criticize in the Most Thoughtful Way Possible

Nice people aren’t necessarily yes men. However, when it comes to criticism, nice people aren’t always straight shooters. Think of the last time you were criticized by a nice person. I’m sure they made it impossible to get mad at them for their point of view.

If anything, you were appreciative of how truthful and constructive their criticisms of your were.

They are sensitive to our insecurities and so they take a great deal of time with their words.

A part of them is afraid of offending us. They wish to get their point across without it being misconstrued, and so they take a great deal of time being careful with their words.

You need to appreciate the nice people you have in your life. There is no one quite like them. You will never find people who take such care in being around you, and so you must value your presence while they are around. Or someone else might.

