The State of the Nation: Hypocrisy Version

Exactly where do right-to-lifers think Donald Trump’s life-saving COVID-19 treatments come from?

Helen Cassidy Page


As a card-carrying pro-choice, feminist, libber from way back — I remember whooping my head off in relief the night I heard on the news that SCOTUS had given thumbs up to Roe v. Wade, I would never force a woman to have an abortion.

Nor take contraceptives if she didn’t want to, or really do anything against her will.

So you can guess my position on the nominee for the Supreme Court seat vacated by the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Amy Coney Barrett is a vocal opponent of all attempts to give women the right to choose their reproductive rights.

Barrett goes further in her opposition to putting reproductive rights in the hands of those to whom it matters most, the lives of the women at stake. She is on record as condemning IVF procedures.

Again, I would never think of urging a woman into expensive and difficult IVF procedures against her will.

However, millions of women have given birth to children they love and cherish through such means.



Helen Cassidy Page

Writer, editor, researcher, aging expert, life coach, sand tray coach. Read one of my 55 titles on Amazon: