The State of Your Desktop Reflects the State of Your Mind

Feng Shui the shit out of your desktop.

John Cousins


Photo by Thomas Q on Unsplash

My wife came to my study yesterday and said, “wow, that’s pretty anal.” I thought she was flirting with me, but then I realized she was referring to my desk. I keep it austere and geometric. Not anal.

I started keeping my desk in tip-top shape a few months ago.

Her comment got me thinking

about my new found obsession with keeping my desk surface completely clean. Here is the list I ticked off in my mind:

Aesthetically Pleasing

Minimalist Ethos

Sense of Order

Sense of Control


I minimize distractions so I can better focus and drop into a flow.

I feel more productive and calmer. So there.

Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.

- Barbara Hemphill

Minimize distractions

Working at home is challenging. You can get off task and not productive if you don’t manage your workspace. Learn how to get in the Zone by turning off your phone and getting into a flow state…

