The State of Your Faith Matters

Principe Guity Jr
Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2024
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Faith has been significant in my life. It started at church when I was younger. Throughout my life, “Walk by faith, not by sight” has been a reiterating phrase that I would invariably hear. I don’t think I lived this out loud.

Sometimes, I have a lack of faith in myself in every aspect of life. Faith is something I now realize is an essential tool for success, it’s hard to do.

This year, I have learned about faith through illustrious avenues. Whether it is the movie, The Secret, or the book I will discuss today, Think and Grow Rich.

As we continue down the Think and Grow Rich learning path, we will dive deeper into faith.


In the third chapter, Napoleon Hill discusses faith. He describes faith as “the head chemist of the mind.”

You need faith because it is a guide to your dreams. Without it, you can’t chase dreams confidently. Besides, faith is the head chef helping you move forward with confidence through life.

Repeating affirmations

He describes on pg. 31 that faith “is a state of mind which may be induced, or created, by affirmation or repeated instructions to the subconscious mind, through the principle of autosuggestion.”

You can change your subconscious through affirmations.

That is why the tongue is potent. What you say can pierce your life. So watch what you say. Even to yourself.

What you say can become true. For instance, Jim Carrey once wrote a large sum of money on a check. He placed the check in his wallet.

Eventually, it became true. Essentially, what you put into the universe will become reality.

From time to time, I lose faith in my ability. It has been this way for a while. So, I have been reading aloud my written statement from the Desire chapter of Think and Grow Rich. All in hopes to trick my mind into believing in something.

I will explain affirmations a little more in the next article.

The mind can’t tell the difference

Another point mentioned by Hill was that “The subconscious mind makes no distinction between constructive and destructive thought impulses.”

To make this point more real, let’s say you constantly say to yourself, “I’m not good enough.”

Your subconscious would not know the difference. It will gradually sort this into the subconscious memory bank.

Immediately, I think about a statement I don’t hear too often. The statement is “Death and life [are] in the power of the tongue,” which is Proverbs 18:21.

There’s truth to that message. Just think of the invectives people said to others. They leave a stain on the heart or better yet to themselves.


Faith guides everything. It can even be converted into something else. The right words can be ingrained but the catch is the mind would not know the difference, so choose wisely what you say to yourself.

