The storm worth beating

Martin Rieck
Published in
2 min readNov 25, 2023
Image generated by dream art

It’s rough, it’s hard, it’s far beyond my control, it’s beyond my capacity. I’m at my end, I’m given it my all, I have nothing left to offer, life’s just plain shitty.

Weather the storm my friend, weather the storm. Stop my friend, stop! Stop. I assure you, this was not why you were born.

Shout out loud my friend, cry out for help. Rage my friend, but don’t deal with matters by yourself.

Scream in horror, shake in fear a murderer is about, do not let them near.

This is not you my friend, this is not you. Fight for your life my friend, punch, scratch and brawl. There is more to you, do not let this be all.

Set aside your pain, your fears and frustrations, what ever is on your mind do not give into those terrible temptations.

Stop! Stop, just hear me out just listen for a second. Do not be convinced this is the best, no do not be threatened.

Weather the storm my friend, weather the storm. For the waves crash, plunging you into despair. Weather the storm my friend and the weather will eventually clear.

Read this again, read it once more, one thousand times if needs be, do not give in, you will not be set free.

Stop my friend, please my friend don’t do it. Hear my voice, just calm down and we’ll talk through it.

Shout to the streets, knock on the doors, be so loud that no one ignores.

Weather the storm my friend, weather the storm. Weather the storm my friend, do not let it define you.

Weather the storm my friend, for through it more wisdom you accrue.

Weather it, rise above the tumult, refuse to choke, refuse to stumble.

Stop my friend, weather it well, stay strong my friend, and our story you’ll tell.



Martin Rieck

Curious mind, deep soul, questioning life, wandering definition. A trans disciplinary designer doing his failing best to take the world in.