Overview of German/Austrian Christmas Markets (or, How a Poor Kid Got to the Christkindlmarkt)

Published in
8 min readDec 14, 2022


Vienna Town Hall Christmas Market with Ferris Wheel in 2022
Wiener Rathaus Christkindlmarkt Riesenrad (Vienna Town Hall Christmas Market with Ferris Wheel) 2022, photo by author

When I was 10, after my grandfather died, my grandmother took in a German nun named Margaret who worked for the Catholic parish church he had attended (even though Grandma was a Methodist).

The ancient nun was meaner than a dyspeptic wolverine and smelled like Limburger cheese kept in an outhouse, since her generation apparently considered bathing verboten.

Oh, and she was a Nazi. Veeeery unhappy about the whole WWII thing. Especially the ending. Not sure, but she might have lit a candle every April 20th.

(Note: this says zero about Germans in general — in my 30 years of travel to Germany, I’ve never met anyone over there I’d call a Nazi — many wistfully delusional Communists, but no unrepentant NSDAP members. A tad too far left and overly regulated for my tastes, but I still love the country.)

However, Margaret had pride (if little else), and tried to pay her way. So, one year, she bought Grandma a massive tin box filled with Lebkuchen (a particular style of German gingerbread) and other Weihnacht treats. I knew neither what a Lebkuchen nor a Weihnacht was, nor (as I know now) that the box came from Lebkuchen Schmidt in Nuremberg. I just knew I loved it.




Indie Hacker -- C++,PHP,AI,Finance,Telecom -- after 40 years in the US and Europe: you name it, I've coded it, traveled through it, or tried to ski over it.