The Strongest People on Earth

It has nothing to do with physical power.

Bond Wang


Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

Eddie Hall, better known as “The Beast,” won the championship of the World’s Strongest Man competition in 2017. Raised by his grandmother, he always treated her like his mother. At his age of rebellion, his grandmother was the only person that could “calm him down.”

When Eddie was in a period of depression, his grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. But all she did to him was keep inspiring his dreams, tell him “You can do it.”

“I have broken many records. But one thing I cannot break,” Eddie said, “That’s my promise to my grandmother.”

Today is Mother’s Day. While we celebrate all the incredible moms out there, it’s worth taking a moment to reflect on what makes them truly special. One message that always resonates with me is that mothers are the best example that strength has nothing to do with physical power.

Most people are no beasts in life. But one thing the Beast and I have in common, it’s the love of our mothers. Or more broadly, the women with motherly love.

My mother is never a strong woman. She struggles with health conditions for decades. But as the family members turn to their own lives, she has only grown stronger in caring for others and facing life’s challenges head-on. She may not…



Bond Wang

Forget injuries, never forget kindness. Hey, I write about life, culture, and daydreams. Hope I open a window for you, as well as for myself.