The Subjects Of Heart

Kay's Blogs
Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2023

In the current age of the Metaverse, social media apps like Instagram and X, or the newly rising reality of virtual reality, people have been getting less and less connected with the people around them.

When computers first entered the market, people lost their jobs and were replaced in several industries.
When mobile phones came in, they started to replace the friends and family of an individual.
And now, with the introduction of these VR headsets, people are being isolated from their actual environment, their actual surroundings, and their actual people.

With every new rise in the technological and IT markets, there has been a loss of emotion among people. People have started to feel less and less for the people around them and even for themselves.

Brown Egg by Tengyart on Unsplash

It is not just the new-age technology to blame, but also the rising influence of Western culture that influences the cultures of the East and the other cultures of the West too.

So what are you talking about, Krish?

Well, all I am talking about is how emotions are now a rare possession among so-called emotionally intelligent humans.

People have gone cold-hearted.

Rising divorce rates, people don’t stop to help people out of a road accident, rising unemployment, rising rates of suicide, etc.

Marriages Per 1000 People All Over The Globe from Our World In Data

Are these all just the aftermaths of a low emotional quotient?

Emotional Quotient? Wait, what’s that?

The emotional quotient, or emotional intelligence, is the individual’s capacity to recognize one’s feelings and those of others to motivate themselves and manage emotions well in one’s social interactions.

In recent years, several companies, like Google, Microsoft, and McDonald's, have started to hire with the criteria of emotional intelligence, considering that for a company to grow, there’s a need for the employees to have better emotional intelligence so that the bosses can understand their subordinates and employees can build a strong community connection with their colleagues, which is useful in times of emergency.

Several companies, like McDonald's, have also hired people for the post of CHO, or Chief Happiness Officer, who work to manage the happiness and pleasure of the workers in the company.

Ronald McDonald, The CHO Of McDonalds’. Picture by Eshak Angell on Unsplash

Well, what is the point of talking about EQ?

So, there is a point.

The point is to help you, my fellow readers out there, understand how important emotions are.
You possess the most important quality a person can have in today’s age for which you need to put zero effort, which comes from within, and you are shunning it away.

How fair is that? To the people around you, to the people you spend your time with, and to yourself?

Next time you are with your friends or family or even your partner or significant other, just collect everyone’s phones so nobody is scrolling through their phones, play a game of Scrabble or two, enjoy, and talk about what’s new in their lives.
Connect more with them, get close to them, and become the friends or family you once were.

With Thanksgiving around the corner for my Western readers and Diwali for my readers from India, try this suggestion out and tell me how it works in the comments.
Until then,
Happy Reading!

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Kay's Blogs

Just a 18-year-old guy who writes stories, tells my own stories and is on the way to make an epic about himself. :)