Responding to Global Health Crises

The Sun Also Rises

How Global Public Health Crises Like Covid-19 Threaten the Worst, Yet Will Bring out Humanity’s Best

Jamie McIntosh
Published in
5 min readMay 24, 2020


Ecclesiastes 1:5 “The sun also rises, and the sun goes down, And hastens to the place where it arose.”

Novel CoronaVirus’ current impact is stunning. When its full force hits countries in the Global South, with weaker health systems and fewer available medical or economic resources to fight it, the devastation could be unimaginable.

Already, according to a New York Times report, “the coronavirus has wiped out global gains that took two decades to achieve, leaving an estimated two billion people at risk of abject poverty.”

The World Economic Forum states “COVID-19 threatens to become one of the most difficult tests faced by humanity in modern history.

Rising to the Covid challenge will be especially daunting if its impacts indeed outstrip those of other current or recent public health threats…



Jamie McIntosh

Sojourning & learning amidst the brokenness & beauty of the world around, the world inside, — and world’s apart.