The Sun Rises!

Jamen Mendes
Published in
May 6, 2024
Art by the Author, using Leonardo.Ai

Long before the sun rises, the Soul shines within.
The mind stores the Light, seals the face of Darkness.
A blinded journey through spaceless planes,
Emerges a human seeking his place upon the Earth.

Made of gold, crystal, and genes,
Man is a Light, a Sun, a God!
How odd he knows not himself,
When the Light of his Soul brightly shines within?

In the Devil’s image, the Soul was casted.
Stained with a biblical sin, the Man perished:
Scared of his God while searching for Light;
Scared of the Darkness that begets his Light?

Long before sunrise, rises the Soul within.
To shine a path within the Darkness.
Thanks to the Darkness, the Light is Alive.
Thanks to Light, the mind survives.



Jamen Mendes

Author, Musician, Metaphysician, and Artist. I write about Crypto, Spirituality, Consciousness, Art, and Reality.