The Surprising Reasons Why I Continued Jung’s Research

Against my will.

Christina Sponias


A cave, a surreal landscape, and someone on a mountain.
KELLEPICS on Pixabay

I became interested in dream interpretation because I was very depressed and nervous. I needed help. At that time, however, I was pregnant and expecting to give birth soon, so I started reading and studying several books on psychology on my own.

I was especially interested in dream interpretation because I had many impressive dreams and saw that all psychologists gave importance to dream messages. I studied the methods of all the most famous psychologists until I understood that only Carl Jung’s method helped me understand basic points about my psychological problems.

I progressed a lot when I started to write down all my dreams and follow only Jung’s method. I calmed down and felt better, but at one point I thought I had to disagree with Carl Jung’s final conclusions, as I noticed that all the psychological types he analyzed were absurd at various points.

I found that my conscience was absurd and that I had made many mistakes in life because I had based myself on what my conscience thought. In the same way, the conscience of all psychological types was defective in several points.

I concluded that the human conscience makes many mistakes, whereas the wise unconscious mind that produces dreams never makes mistakes. I…



Christina Sponias

I’m a literature writer and a philosopher who became a mental health therapist through dream translation after continuing Carl Jung’s research.